The Lincoln and Douglas Meeting at Galesburg, Illinois, October 7, 1858
The fifth debate between Lincoln and Douglas was held at Galesburg, Illinois, on October 7, 1858. The platform from which they spoke was erected at the east end of Knox College. The students took a lively interest in the contest, decorating the college gayly with flags and streamers. Immediately over the heads of teh speakers, extending across the end of the building, was placed a large banner bearing the words: "Knox College for Lincoln."
18__ Jun 01, The Press
Some two years ago James Knox, of Knoxville, Illinois, died, leaving by will
$90,000 to be used in establishing an Industrial and Agricultural School in
Knoxville; provided the citizens of Knox county should withing six months
raise $50,000 for the same purpose. The citizens have not complied with the
condition, hence by the terms of the will $40,000 reverts to Hamilton
College, $40,000 to Yale and $10,000 to a female seminary in Knoxville. The
attorneys for the former institutions of the Knox estate to pay over the
amounts due to these institutions.
Contributed 21 Sep 2018 by Barbara McCoy
1880 Jan 24, Ottawa Free Trader
Enos Cushing, of Galesburg, made his friends here a visit on Sunday last. Enos is running the fashionable oyster, confectionery and cigar house of the place and is his own adver. – growing fatter and more hood natured day by day.
1880 Feb 24, Rock Island Argus
A colored man named Brown and his wife, having been arrested at Galesburg, on suspicion of having robbed the Galesburg Bank of several thousand dollars, part of which was found in their house, some excited citizens took their son to the outskirts of the town and by threats of hanging got him a full confession throwing the guilt also, on Bill Stamps of Knoxville, Lew Eilsworth and Ed Adie of Maquon, all of whom have been arrested.
1880 Feb 28, Ottawa Free Trader
On Thursday morning Ottawa and Mr. H. C. King lost a most excellent woman and daughter, Minnie E., who, in the future, will live in Galesburg. Charles H. Trask, brother of R. H. Trask, the jeweler, of this city, was the happy man. They were married at the bride's parents' residence, at noon Thursday, by Rev. Mr. Barnes, in the presence of a few intimate friends of the bride and the relatives of both. The bride was dressed in a bronze-green silk with natural flower ornaments, and was unassisted by maids. A jolly wedding dinner was served, and at two o'clock the bride and groom left for Peoria whence they will go to Galesburg, where Mr. T. is engaged in the jewelry business. There were a number of elegant presents, that of the groom being a handsome gold watch and chain. We wish them good luck – the "shoe" was big enough.
1880 Mar 20, Ottawa Free Trader
Col. Clark E. Carr had the misfortune to lose his dwelling house in Galesburg by fire on Sunday evening last. His loss is estimated at five thousand dollars.
1880 Dec 27, Rock Island Argus
Under the supervisions of the Illinois Dram-Shop act, Mrs. Mary Fogarty, of Galesburg, brought suit against ten saloon keepers of that city for $10,000 damages for the loss of her husband, who was killed by the cars while in an intoxicated condition. After deliberating for forty-eight hours the jury brought in a verdict for $1,800.
1883 Aug 17, The Daily Cairo Bulletin
Chicago, August 16. - The sensation of the hour in social and legal circles is the publication in the Hearld of the fact that Pleasant Henderson, a wealthy farmer of Knox county, Ill., has begun suit for absolute divorce from his wife Josephine, in which Hon. Alfred M. Craig, Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois, and one of the most eminent jurists of the West, is respondent. The papers filed in teh case reveal a scandalous condition of affairs, the seventeen-year-old son of the Hendersons, making affidavit that he found his mother and Craig in illegal relations, and that he procured a pistol with the intention of shooting the judge dead, but that his mother disarmed him while Craig skipped out. It is alleged that several law firms declined to accept the husband's retainer, because Craig is so high in position and so powerful as to be able to ruin any practicing attorney who might incur his antagonism. It is now in the hands of F. S. Murphy, the leading lawyer of Galesburg. Henderson demands an immediate trial, and says if there are any attempts at filibustering he will have to resort to wild Western methods as soon as Craig returns from western Dakota, whither he has made a sudden and unexpected trip. Mrs. Henderson has the reputation of being the most handsome and magnificently formed woman in Knox county.