Public Schools. Taken from Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, 1886, page 1021. "The
first public school, as has been mentioned on another page of this work, was taught by Prof. N. H. Losey and Miss Lucy Gay in the storehouse of Mr. Chambers, in the summer of
1837. This was used for a school building until what was called the "Old Academy" building was put up, when the school was opened there. In 1839 a
district schoolhouse was erected on the northeast corner of the Public Square. As the scholastic population increased, other districts were laid out and buildings
erected, until in 1857 there were eight. About this time efforts were made to grade and consolidate these schools. Nothing, however, was accomplished until 1859,
when the eight districts were made on, partially graded, and A. B. Campbell, George Churchill and J. H. Knapp were elected Directors. After much labor a charter was
granted, giving to the School Board more power than was extended to them under the State law. In 1867 a School Board was elected and organized under this charter.
Rufus B. Guild was the first Superintendent. He only served a short time and was succeeded by J. B. Roberts, who served until 1874, when he was succeeded by Mathew
Andrews. In 1866 the high school building was completed, at a cost of about $60,000. It is a three story brick structure, with light and airy school departments.
Subsequently ward buildings were erected - one each in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Wards - at an average cost of $15,000. These buildings are now well heated and
ventilated, with all the necessary apparatus. Telephones are placed in each building, which communicate with the Superintendent's office in the high school
building. The buildings are all brick but one, which is frame, and the seven schools are all graded. The school property is valued at $125,000. According to the
County Superintendent's report for last year, there were in all these wards of persons under 21 years of age 6,336, of whom 4,486 were of scholastic age, 2,112 being
enrolled. The highest wages paid male teachers were $188.89 per month, and the lowest $66.68; the highest wages paid female teachers were $88.89, and lowest $35.
The tax levy was $20,000. There is one library of 300 volumes. The present Superintendent is W. L. Steele, who has demonstrated a peculiar fitness for this
position. There are eight grades and a year's high school course in the curriculum. The efficiency of these schools is due in a great measure to the fact that every
person connected with them is permanent, from the Board down. The majority of the present Board has served from 10 to 15 years. There are also three private schools,
with 470 pupils, male and female."
High School" picture taken from booklet titled Twelfth
Annual Excursion Galesburg Merchants' Association June 25th, 1903.
[Picture contributed by Cindy
High School ~ Galesburg, Ill." postcard postmarked September 12, 1906. The first Galesburg high school was opened in 1861 in a facility on the Public
Square. In 1888, a new building was constructed at the northwest corner of Broad and Tompkins Streets at a cost of $28,000. It was used until 1904, when it was
destroyed by fire. The school pictured was built on the same site in 1906, facing east onto Broad Street. It was vacated in 1959, when classes where moved to a new high
school building on West Fremont Street. The building was
destroyed by fire in September, 1965. Central Primary School can be seen just to the right of the high school building. [Postcard and text contributed by Bob Miller.]
School" picture taken from booklet titled Twelfth
Annual Excursion Galesburg Merchants' Association June 25th, 1903.
[Picture contributed by Cindy
School" picture taken from booklet titled Twelfth
Annual Excursion Galesburg Merchants' Association June 25th, 1903.
[Picture contributed by Cindy
School" picture taken from booklet titled Twelfth
Annual Excursion Galesburg Merchants' Association June 25th, 1903.
[Picture contributed by Cindy
School" picture taken from booklet titled Twelfth
Annual Excursion Galesburg Merchants' Association June 25th, 1903.
[Picture contributed by Cindy
Kindergarten, Galesburg, Ill." postcard postmarked November 23,
1909. [Contributed by Bob Miller.]
Catholic Schools. [Postcards and text contributed by Bob Miller.]
Joseph's Academy, Galesburg, Ill." postcard.
Built in 1878-79 under the direction of
Father Joseph Costa of St. Patrick's parish, this Catholic school was located at the northwest corner of Knox and Academy Streets, facing east onto Academy. It was operated from
the start by the
Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana. A new Catholic school, named after Father Costa, was opened on the north side of Galesburg in September 1956. St. Joseph's was finally closed
as a Catholic school in 1972.
The building was razed in the
late 1970s or early 1980s.
Taken from Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, 1886, page 1020. "St. Joseph's
Academy. This Catholic institution of leaning was established in 1879. The building was completed in the early part of that year and the Academy was opened in
September. The building was erected and the school established by Father Costa. The building is a large, commodious brick structure, erected at a cost of $30,000,
and is situated in the western part of the city of Galesburg, corner of Academy and Knox street, on a high eminence overlooking the town. It stands on the highest ground
in the city. It is under the direction of the sisters of Providence, who came from St. Mary's of the Woods (Indiana). This institution was established by the
Sisters of Providence from Ruille, France, and is located about four miles west of Terre Haute.
In the St. Joseph Academy are 14 Sisters, at the head of whom is the Mother Superior, a very estimable, accomplished and devout lady, whose life is devoted to
this school. At present there are 350 pupils, male and female, many of the latter boarding at the Academy. The curriculum consists of a four years' course of study,
embracing a primary, intermediate and senior, and includes all those branches of study essential to a thorough preparation for the duties of life, as well as a classical
course. There are departments of music, plain and fancy needlework, painting and drawing. The scholastic year consists of four terms, each comprising a period of 11
weeks, the first term commencing on the first Monday in September. The building is heated by steam, lighted with gas and has water conductors. The rooms are
lightsome and airy and pleasantly arranged. A beautiful little chapel is one of the pleasant features, where services are held every morning at 8 o'clock. Adjoining
this and communicating by folding doors is an elegant art gallery."
Taken from Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, 1899, page 692. "There are in Galesburg three
Catholic schools, St. Joseph's Academy, St. Mary's Primary and Corpus Christi Lyceum and University.
St. Joseph's Academy and Convent, at the corner of Knox and Academy streets, was erected in 1878-79 at a cost of about thirty thousand dollars. In
September, 1879, it was opened, with a staff of ten teachers, and about four hundred pupils of both sexes. It has been conducted from the beginning by the Sisters of
Providence, from St. Mary's of the Woods, Indiana. The Sisters have hitherto been very successful in their work, as is evidenced by the large number of accomplished young
ladies who have graduated from the academy. The location of the building is healthy and the surroundings pleasant. The course of study embraces four years.
St. Mary's Primary School stands on the corner of Fourth and Seminary streets, in the Seventh Ward. It is an elementary school for boys and girls
from six to twelve years of age, and serves as a preparatory department for St. Joseph's Academy. The school, with its accompanying playground, was purchased with the
view of obviating the danger of accidents occurring to such small children as might be obliged to cross the railroad tracks in going to and from the academy. Besides, the
walk would be rather long, and the weather often too inclement for the little ones. Two Sisters from the academy attend St. Mary's daily and the school has proved a great
The Corpus Christi Lyceum and University was opened in September, 1895, [at the southeast corner of Prairie and Tompkins Streets, facing Prairie] for the
education of young men in the higher branches of learning, including a classical and commercial course, as well as a course in music. The building is an ornate and solid
structure, and well supplied with all that is necessary to constitute a modern outfit. Since its first opening, in 1895, a notable feature has been added to its
status. This occurred in 1897, when the Lyceum was raised to the rank of a university. At present, therefore, this institution comprises two departments, Lyceum and
University. The curriculum of the Lyceum department embraces the subjects usually covered by the average High School course. The University course requires four
years for its completion, and on graduation the degree of B. A. is conferred.
The Corpus Christi Lyceum and University is conducted by the Fathers of the Order of Charity, who never weary in their endeavors to inculcate sound moral
and religious principles. It owes its institution, as also do the other two schools above mentioned, to the unwearied efforts of the
Joseph Costa, the present Rector of Corpus Christi Church, and president of Corpus Christi Lyceum and University. Father Costa has general supervision
of all the Catholic schools of the city."
Lombard University. [Postcard and text contributed by Bob Miller.]
"Ladies' Hall,
Lombard College, Galesburg, Ill." postcard postmarked August 24, 1910. The first class graduated from Lombard College in 1855. The school's most famous
student from Galesburg was poet Carl Sandburg who graduated around 1900. Lombard was the second school in the country to admit women on the same terms as men for collegiate degrees. Ladies'
Hall, a residence for women, was built in 1896. The school merged with Knox College in 1930. The site of the former college is now home to Lombard Junior High
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Taken from the
1870 Atlas Map of Knox County, Illinois, Andreas, Lyter & Co., Davenport, Iowa,
page 7. Lombard University is an out-growth of the Illinois Liberal Institute. In 1850, Rev. C. P. West introduced resolutions before the Spoon River
Association of Universalists, recommending the founding of an academic institution of learning. This movement resulted in the Illinois Liberal Institute, on the
corner of Kellogg and Thompkins streets, Galesburg. A brick building 40x60 was erected in 1852, and in August of the same year the school was opened for the instruction
of students, under Rev. P. R. Kendall, as Principal. By charter amendments the Institute became a College in 1853. In 1855 the Institute building was destroyed by
fire, and in the next year the present University building was erected, at a cost of about $40,000. In 1857 the institution took the name of Lombard University, in
honor of Benj. Lombard, Esq., one of its principal benefactors. At an early period in the history of the institution a large number of scholarships were sold, for most of
which notes were taken. These notes not providing sufficient endowment, and a debt having accrued, the University was aided by "donation notes" to the amount of
$12,000. Recently it has secured from private benefactors an endowment of nearly $100,000, so that it is financially on a safe basis, and its prospects are very
The first President, Rev. P. R. Kendall, was succeeded, after an interim in which Prof. J. V. N. Standish was acting President, by Rev. O. A. Skinner, D. D. In the
autumn of 1859, Rev. J. P. Weston, D. D., the present incumbent, accepted the presidency.
The institution has two departments. In the Preparatory department instruction is given in all the branches usually taught in high school and academies. The
Collegiate Department embraces three courses of study. It is believed that some of these will meet the wants of every student desiring to take a collegiate course.
The classical course is a full collegiate course of four years, such as is usually pursued in the best colleges and universities in this country. The scientific course
does not include the Greek language, and requires less Latin than the classical, but has been so arranged as to combine practical knowledge with intellectual culture and
discipline. This is also a four years' course, but needs less preparatory study than the classical. The literary course is also of four years, but contains less
mathematics than the scientific, and requires the same preparation. Students are admitted at any time, and allowed to enter any class for which they are prepared.
Male and female students are alike admitted to all departments of the University; they recite in the same classes and receive the same honors.
The University possesses a valuable cabinet of minerals and curiosities. Through the generosity of its friends, more than three thousand volumes have been placed on
the shelves of its library.
The by-laws recently enacted in accordance with the amended charter, permit each Universalist State Convention that adopts Lombard University as its denominational school,
to appoint two delegates to visit the University. These delegates constitute a Board of Visitors, who have authority to attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees, and
all examinations and other exercises of the University, and are expected to make reports to their several State Conventions. The number of Trustees are twenty-one.
Four go out of office each year. Persons are nominated to fill the vacancies by a committee, a majority of which are elected by the Board of Visitors, and the remainder
by the Board of Trustees. One of the Board of Visitors from each state actually represented is required to serve on the Nominating Committee. Twice as many persons
are nominated as there vacancies, and from this list the Trustees are authorized to elect the number required.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Taken from Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing
Company, Chicago, 1886, page 1019. "At the residence of Amos Pierce Greenbush, Warren Co., Ill., the Lombard University had its inception. It was here,
in the early part of 1850, that the initiatory steps were taken toward the establishment of a high school or academy. Mr. Pierce was chosen Chairman of the meeting.
After a conference it was decided to invite Rev. C. P. West to draw up a plan and submit to the next meeting of the Spoon River Association. May 19, following, this
Association convened at Greenbush and the following preamble and resolutions, which were drafted by Mr. West, were presented and adopted: "Whereas,
The intellectual and moral improvement of our youth is a subject of vital importance, not only to our denomination, but also to the community at large; and whereas, most, if
not all, the literary institutions of this State, higher than common schools, established by law, ever have been and still are in the hands and under the control of out
religious opponents; and whereas, the sectarian influences of these institutions are detrimental to the cause of free inquiry after religious truth, injurious to the spread of
Univeralism, and sometimes ruinous to the peace and happiness of the students themselves; therefore, "Resolved, That the Universalists of
the State ought immediately to adopt measures for the establishment of a seminary of learning which shall be free from the above-name objections.
"Resolved, That said institution should be located in Galesburg, Knox Co., Ill." Thus it will be seen that the aim of its founders was to establish a
thoroughly liberal Christian institution of learning, with freedom to worship God after the Puritan principle and according to the dictates of their own consciences. In
October, 1850, a joint-stock company was organized with shares at $25 each. A sufficient amount was raised to enable the company to erect a building for school purposes,
which was completed in 1852, and a school was opened under the name of the "Illinois Liberal Institute," in September, with Rev. P. R. Kendall as
President. A meeting of stockholders was held at Galesburg, October 24, and elected 15 Trustees, a Clerk and a Treasurer. A President of the Board was also elected,
and a Building Committee. At a subsequent meeting the Board decided to erect a more substantial building of brick, three stories high, 60 feet long and 40 feet wide, to
cost about $6,000. The act of incorporation was approved Feb. 15, 1851, and the Board of Trustees elected at the October meeting reorganized under the new charter. In
1853, an amendment was made to the charter, with power to confer degrees for collegiate honors. President Kendall was of great assistance to this new institution.
Through his untiring energy during the years 1852, '53, '54, '55, the institution was partially endowed; more than $100,000 worth of scholarships were sold during this
period. The price of scholarships was $50, $100 and $200, being divided into three classes, which entitled the purchaser to double the worth in tuition. From the fall
of 1854 to the fall of 1857, Prof. J. V. N. Standish was nominally the Acting President, although President Kendall held the office until the summer of 1856. April 27,
1855, the building was destroyed by fire. The school kept on in its work, renting rooms in various parts of the town. In 1856 the present college building was
erected at a cost of $45,000. The fall following it was occupied for school purposes, although it was unfinished. During this period the number of students was 245. In
1855 Benjamin Lombard made a donation to the institution of $20,000, and the charter and name of the institution were changed, it taking the name of the Lombard University.
In 1869 the charter was again changed, increasing the number of the Trustees to 20 elective members, and making the board self-perpetuating, the offices of one-fifth of the
number expiring annually, the President of the institution being ex-officio a member of the Board of Trustees. In 1857, Rev. Otis A. Skinner, D. D., was elected
president, which position he very acceptably filled until 1859, when Rev. James P. Weston was chosen President, which office he held for 15 years. Prof. William
Livingston was the Acting President from 1872 to 1875. In 1876, the Centennial year, Rev. Nehemiah White was called to the presidential chair, which position he still
holds. The first class was graduated in 1856. The college grounds embrace 14 acres, and are ornamented with trees and shrubs. The building is a very fine brick
structure, three stories high, 80 feet long and 66 feet wide, and has excellent apartments for libraries, apparatus, lectures and recitations. The library contains upward
of 5,000 volumes, besides pamphlets and magazines. The cabinet contains a large and valuable collection of specimens. Among others who made donations to this
institution, besides Mr. Lombard, were E. G. Hall, who gave $10,000, and L. E. Conger $10,000. A few years ago a theological department was established, which has been quite
successful. At the last commencement exercise the first class in this department was graduated. Belonging to the University are two literary societies, the
Enesaphian and the Philomanthean, which are strong in membership and are doing good service. The Alumni Literary Society is another attractive feature of Lombard, and is
attended by the Faculty and the Senior Class. Rev. E. L. Conger is the financial agent, and has secured during the past year many valuable donations. Alfred Knowles is
President of the Board of Trustees. Lombard University is one of the very creditable institutions of learning, not only Knox County, but to the State. It has
done much to advance liberality of thought, civilization and culture."
Knox College. (See also the history of
Galesburg.) [Postcards and text contributed by Bob Miller.]
College, Galesburg, Ill." postcard. Knox College was chartered in 1837 by Presbyterian minister George Washington Gale. The college's "Old
Main", pictured in the postcard, was built in 1857-58 and was the site of one of the famous Lincoln-Douglas senatorial debates in October of 1858.
"Old Main" is the only remaining building associated with those debates.
Hall, Knox College, Galesburg, Ill." postcard postmarked October 30, 1908. The cornerstone for Alumni Hall was laid in 1890.
"Alumni Hall of Knox College, Galesburg, Ill." postcard postmarked 1909. [Submitted by Jerry
Hall, Knox
College, Galesburg, Ill." postcard. Whiting Hall, originally named the Knox Female Seminary, was built up to achieve the look in the postcard over a period of 35
years. The original building was constructed in 1857. In 1885, the building was more than doubled in size with a large addition to the east. Finally, in 1892,
a match to the 1885 addition was constructed to the west of the original building.
Whiting Hall continued to be used as a women's residence hall until 1979, when it was closed by the college. Today the building is used for elderly housing.
Library, Knox College, Galesburg, Ill." postcard postmarked October 24, 1935. The Seymour Library was built in 1928 with funds donated by Henry Seymour, class of
Knox College, Galesburg, Ill." postcard postmarked January 27, 1910. The gymnasium pictured was built in 1908.
Taken from Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, 1886, page 1017. "The history of Knox College
is so interwoven with that of Galesburg that the historian finds its difficult to separate them. If the reader does not find all he seeks under this head, probably he may
under that of the City of Galesburg. Our effort is to have as little repetition as possible. It may be truthfully said that the beginning of Knox College, in its
educational feature, was in a log school-house in "Log City," during the winter of 1836-37, with Prof. N. H. Losey and Miss Lucy Gay as instructors. But Knox
College had its inception on the 7th day of January, 1836, at Whitesboro, N. Y. It was here and on this day that the subscribers to Geo. W. Gale's plan met, organized the
college, appointed a Board of Trustees, and then donated to it several thousand acres of land where Galesburg now is. The credit of this vast enterprise is due to Rev.
Geo. W. Gale, D. D., a Presbyterian with whom the plan in its details originated, and to whose efforts is due its consummation. A charter was granted by the Legislature
of the State in March, 1837, under the title of Knox Manual Labor College. The first meeting of the Board of Trustees under this charter was held August 9, 1837, when
their organization was perfected. It was decided at this meeting to erect a school building as soon as possible. There were some delays, however, and the building
was not completed until late in the fall of 1838, when the academy was formally opened by Prof. N. H. Losey as Principal, and Hiram Marsh as Assistant. In 1841 the
college was fully organized. Rev. H. H. Kellogg was chosen President; Rev. G. W. Gale, Professor of Belles Lettres, and Prof. N. H. Losey, Professor of
Mathematics. The following year another professorship was added, that of Languages, with Prof. Grant at its head. In 1843 the first catalogue was issued,
representing a list of 175 students. In 1845, President Kellogg resigned, and Jonathan Blanchard was elected. In June 1846, the first class was graduated, which
consisted of W. S. Bush, Southwick Davis, Wm. Holyoke, Francis Leonard, Chas. F. Martin, Asa C. Olney, Sanford Richardson and Edwin G. Smith. In 1851 the first class of
ladies was graduated - Misses Ann Dunn, Sarah Fisk, Margaret Gale. The building for the Female Seminary, which was connected with the college, was erected in 1841, but
was burned in 1843. After the completion of the railroad to Galesburg and the sale of real estate, which largely increased the funds in the treasury of the college, a new
female seminary building was erected. The cost of the building was $30,000. It was a large, five-story brick edifice, with chapel, recitation rooms, rooms for music
and painting, and ample accommodations for boarding. The college building cost $50,000. It is an imposing edifice, constructed, with all the necessary conveniences
for school purposes. At this time the whole endowment of this institution was estimated at about $400,000, and the donations it had received outside of the colony had
been less that $50,000. In 1876 a building was erected, 36x72 feet in dimensions, for a gymnasium, which cost $1,500. Comparatively few changes have been made in the
Faculty of this institution since its foundation. The following gentlemen have served as Presidents: Rev. H. H. Kellogg, from 1839 to 1845; Rev. Jonathan Blanchard, form
1845 to 1858; Rev. Harvey Curtis, from 1858 to 1863; Rev. W. S. Curtis, to 1868; Rev. J. P. Gulliver, to 1872, Prof. A. Hurd, Acting President to 1875, when the present
incumbent, Dr. Newton Bateman, took possession of the presidential chair. With Dr. Bateman as the head of the College, and Prof. George Churchill at the head of the Academy,
with the able Faculty, this institution of learning could not be otherwise than eminently efficient and prosperous. The college classical course is modeled after the best
American educational institutions. The study of the languages, mathematics, sciences, the various branches of philosophy, rhetoric, logic, general history and literature
are made the feature of the college. On recommendation of the Faculty the Board of Trustees confer the degree of Bachelor of Arts on all persons who have completed the
prescribed classical course in the college satisfactorily, and the degree of Bachelor of Science upon all who have completed the scientific course. The Academy comprises two departments,
English and classical. The former gives a full course of English studies and affords special advantages to students who intend to become teachers. The latter is a
preparatory department, devoted to a thorough preparation of students for the college and young ladies' seminary. The college library contains over 4,000 volumes. There
is a reading-room in connection with the library, in which may be found the leading reviews, magazines and newspapers. The collections in natural history contains 3,000
specimens; geological, 1,100; mineralogical, 10,000; zoological, embracing nearly 3,000 species, and 1,300 botanical specimens, which are constantly receiving valuable
additions. Connected with the college are two literary societies, the Adelphi and the Gnothautii; the former was organized in 1846 and the later in 1849. They are both
chartered. Knox College has fully established its right to be the representative college of the West. The same standard of culture is maintained here as in the Eastern
colleges, imbued with the vigorous life of the West. The influence it has upon this part of the country has been very manifest. Great attention is given here to the
physical development, and every facility is afforded for this in the large gymnasium, which is well-equipped. With this is the military department, under the command of
Lieut. S. C. Mills, U. S. A., who was detailed to this professorship by the President of the United States. A musical conservatory, with Prof. F. W. Bently, is one of the
additions to this college."
Ills., Brown's
Business College, Commercial Block" postcard from circa 1908. [Postcard and text contributed by Bob Miller.]
Taken from Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, 1886, page 1021. "Western Business College.
Something over twenty years ago this College was established by H. E. Hayes and J. B. Marsh. It was first located in the upper story of the Colton Block. It changed
hands several times, when, in 1873, J. M. Martin became the proprietor and removed the institution to the third floor of the Allen Black, corner of Prairie and Simmons streets,
where it is still located. Ill health compelled Mr. Martin to retire from the arduous labors of the College, and, March 17, 1883, M. H. Barringer became the proprietor
and still holds this position. A through system of bookkeeping is taught at this college, under the practical and business-like principles. Naturally accompanying
this course are arithmetic, penmanship and commercial law. There are taught here also telegraphy and short-hand. Mr. Barringer has improved the system of teaching
bookkeeping very much. The business transactions that enter into the course of instruction are not imaginary, but real deals. The department of correspondence is
also of the same character, and is extended to numbers of other colleges in Chicago, New York and elsewhere. Under Mr. Barringer's management, this college has
become a very popular place to secure a business education. The average attendance during the past season was 125. M. H. Barringer, Principal; Jennie E. Benedict
and Winona Edgerton, Assistants; George W. Thompson, Lecturer of Commercial Law."
Taken from Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, 1899, page 693. "Brown's Business College. This institution was originally known as the Western Business College, and was founded in 1860 by H. E. Hayes, who
disposed of it in 1865, to J. B. Harsh, of Creston, Iowa. In 1867, W. B. Richards was made writing teacher, and about the same time the school began to grow in attendance
and influence. Mr. Richards resigned in 1869, and the following year Professor Poole became proprietor. In 1871, he sold the institution to J. H. Snelling, whose
interest passed, in July, 1873, to J. M. Martin and Brother, of Monmouth, through whose agency and good management the school at once began to prosper. Ill health
compelled the retirement of Mr. J. M. Martin in 1883, and M. H. Barringer became the owner of the college. He established it in large, better quarters, in the Nelson
Block, and it continued to flourish. Mr. Barrnger, however, concluded to embark in other business, and in July, 1890, the institution was purchased by Brown's Business
College Company, when it was rechristened under its present name.
The following year an additional room was leased, to accommodate the increased attendance. The present principal, W. F. Caldwell, has been in charge since July,
1892. The college now occupies nine large rooms in the Commercial Block, one of the largest and handsomest buildings in the city. Few, if any, commercial schools in
the State have better facilities for the accommodation of students. Six competent instructors are employed, and the attendance is steadily increasing. Nearly two
hundred students were enrolled last year. The methods of instruction and the text books used are the very latest employed in the best commercial schools. The
graduates are usually successful. They are employed by the leading business firms of Galesburg and the surrounding towns, while not a few find positions of responsibility
and profit in Chicago and other large cities, and many are conducting successful business enterprises of their own. G. W. Brown, the manager of this school and the
President of Brown's Business College Company, probably enjoys as wide and as favorable a reputation as a commercial teacher as any man in the country."
Abingdon Schools.
School, Abingdon, Ill." postcard. [Contributed by Bob
School, Abingdon, Ill." postcard. [Contributed by Jim Ferris.]
School, Abingdon, Ill." postcard. [Contributed by Bob
Grove School - Abingdon" photograph. "No date was on the
photo, but it looks turn of the century. Cherry Grove School was a
country school on Route 41 between Galesburg and Abingdon, about 1 mile
north of Abingdon. As memory serves, it closed as a school in the late
1940's - very early 1950s. It has been occupied as a residence since
then." [Contributed by Jim Ferris.]
Maquon Schools.
by Todd Walter.] The 1903 photo
at left is of the Maquon School that was built in 1866. The photo was
taken from History of Maquon and Vicinity 1827-1976 by Maquon
Historical Association. The following text is EDITED from it
also. At the right in the photo you can see them building the new
"The first school was taught in Maquon in 1836. It was
supported by subscriptions and conducted in a shed adjoining the house of
Peter Jones, in the southwest part of the village. The teacher, Miss
Mary Fink, taught reading and writing, but no ciphering. Textbooks
were Webster's Spelling Book and the New Testament. Writing was done
on precious and well cared for unlined foolscap, with ink home-made from
white oak, copperas, and oxgall, with chicken quill pens.
In 1839, school was taught by Harriett Hamlin in a room furnished and
maintained by Nathan Barbero at his own expense. Mr. Barbero, who had
just come from New York, lived at the southwest corner of Main and Forth
The first school house was built in 1848 on lot six, block 11. It
was a one story brick building, thirty by forty feet, with good carpenter
made desks and seats, and two sections of blackboard, placed above the reach
of the little ones, but within reach of the big boys who "did
sums". The first principal/teacher was Levi McGirr
In 1866, a two story frame building was built by J. L. Wallach of
Knoxville, Illinois, at a cost of $7,000. It had three school rooms
and a recitation room for the use of an assistant. This building had
individual desks with chair seats, was provided with blackboards, wall maps,
a globe and an organ, but the low cross lights from all sides, and the
ventilation that kept currents of air from all directions were not to the
pupils' advantage. The first principal was Robert Proseus with a
salary of $50 a month.
In 1903, voters gave approval for a bond to build a new school. The
frame school house, for 20 years or longer called the "new school
house" was sold to H. I. Epley, who moved it to the southeast corner of
Main and Third Street, where it was converted into a hotel."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
is a Homecoming Program Postcard from 1911. The picture on it
is the Jones Hotel that was formerly the Maquon School built in 1866
and burned, I believe, in 1925. It was on the SE corner of 3rd and Main
Streets. [Contributed by Todd Walter.]
is a picture of Fruit Hill School in Maquon from around 1890. It was
moved to West street in Maquon in 1981 and is now used as a museum.
[Contributed by Todd Walter.]
St. Augustine Schools.
St. Augustine, Ill." postcard. [Contributed by Patti Lawson.]
Williamsfield Schools.
High School" postcard. The card was posted from Williamsfield
in October, 1906, sent to Miss Susie Gothard in Victoria, Illinois. It
shows a large wood structure with a bell tower. A little girl sits in the
open doorway. [Contributed by Bob Miller.]
Yates City Schools.
School, Yates City, Ill." postcard. [Contributed by Bob