Galesburg Cottage Hospital. [Postcards and text contributed by Bob Miller.]
Taken from Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, 1899, page 705. "Hospital
and Sanitarium. The medical institutions of the City of Galesburg are two in number, the Galesburg Hospital and the Sanitarium.
The former is controlled by an association of subscribing members, which was formed at a public meeting held on the evening of April 24, 1891, pursuant to a call. The
next evening a committee, appointed for that purpose, named the following directors: Forrest F. Cooke, presiding officer of the Assembly, ex-officio, J. T. McKnight, Loren
Stevens, Asa A. Matteson, Mrs. C. C. Merrill, Max J. Mack, E. A. Bancroft, Mrs. Samuel McCullough, Nels Nelson, James O'Connor, Mrs. E. C. Stone, John Lass, Robert Chappell,
Fred R. Jelliff, Mrs. Swan Anderson and Mrs. J. M. Barden. During the next month the Board organized with these officers: J. T. McKnight, President; Mrs. E. C. Stone,
Vice President; Loren Stevens, Treasurer; Miss Mary Scott, Secretary. On July 4, 1893, the commodious and beautiful building situated on Seminary street, just north of
Losey, was thrown open to the public and the following day the hospital was opened for the reception of patients. The structure, with the equipment, cost about
twenty-five thousand dollars, and nearly all the rooms were furnished and maintained by churches or other organizations. Membership in the Hospital Association is secured
only by subscription. A Board of Trustees, elected by the association at the annual meeting, held in May, manages the affairs of the institution, which is now regarded an
absolute necessary to the city's will being. The present officers are: Loren Stevens, President; A. J. Perry, Vice President; Alfred Olson, Treasurer; Miss Mary Scott,
It was originally known as the "Cottage Hospital." In 1898 the name "Galesburg Hospital" was substituted. The city appropriates the sum of
one hundred dollars monthly towards its support."
"Galesburg Hospital and Nurses' Home, Galesburg, Ill."
postcard. The Galesburg Cottage Hospital faces east onto Seminary Street, just north of Losey Street.
The larger wing in the postcard, to the right of the covered entry, was opened on July 4, 1893 with 17 beds. A nurses' training school was organized in 1895. The smaller wing, to the left of the covered entry, was added in
1905. Note the horse and buggy parked in front of the hospital.
Hospital, Galesburg, Ill." postcard postmarked October 13, 1910.
Cottage Hospital, Galesburg, Ill." postcard. A third wing was added to the building in 1910 and a nurses' residence was added in 1916.
Galesburg Sanitarium" picture
taken from booklet titled Twelfth Annual Excursion Galesburg Merchants'
Association June 25th, 1903. [Picture contributed by Cindy
Taken from Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, 1899, page 706. "The Sanitarium is located at 325
Division street. Its director and proprietor is Dr. A. G. Humphrey, who began his work here in 1861, on a very modest scale. Returning to the city in 1866, after an
absence of two years, he established his present sanitarium on a farm on the Knoxville road. In 1891, he erected and equipped the building which he now occupies.
The Hygeio-Therapeutic system is practiced. The house is fitted with all modern conveniences and has accommodations fro about twenty patients. [Text contributed by Bob Miller.]
Mayo General Hospital. [Contributed by Bob Miller.]
"History of Mayo General Hospital" taken from a
1945 souvenir postcard.
"On the northern fringe of Galesburg, Illinois, in an area of 155
acres, stands a large, sprawling structure of 94 interconnected red brick
This is Mayo General Hospital, dedicated July 10, 1944, to the care and
treatment of this war's wounded, named in honor of the famed Mayo Brothers
of Rochester, Minnesota, for their outstanding contributions to the Medical
Corps of the United States Army during World War I.
General Hospital is one of 60 Army hospitals scattered throughout
the nation for the admission of men who have fallen in the fight against the
enemy in Europe and in the Pacific. It is neither the largest nor the
smallest of such institutions. It is, however, one of the very newest
and is typical of modern military hospitals. It is completely staffed
with highly qualified medical officers, among them many in civilian life who
were nationally known physician and surgeons - specialists in their own
particular field of medicine.
Described by visitors as a "city in itself," Mayo's layout
consists of 54 wards for patients in which  are many private rooms; a large
administration building, modern quarters for officers, nurses, enlisted men,
and Wacs; clinics, laboratories; a large and fully equipped gymnasium; a
chapel; three mess halls that can serve 9,000 meals a day, Red Cross
offices, recreation halls and auditorium; a post office, telephone and
telegraph quarters, post exchange and lunch room; a laundry, warehouses for
the storage of vast amounts of medical and surgical supplies essential in
the operation of a hospital of this size. Also included is a post
theater where the latest Hollywood film releases are shown to both patients
and hospital personnel.
The story of Mayo General Hospital, in which is incorporated every known
piece of medical equipment, is one of remarkable achievements that began
with the breaking of ground in April, 1943, for the structure.
Approximately nine months later it was opened as a complete service
hospital and was receiving patients from every fighting front. The
first staff officers, nurses and enlisted men started to arrive in November
of 1943. The first group of combat casualties were admitted in April,
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * *
Mayo General Hospital subsequently became known as Galesburg State
Research Hospital, one of several hospitals in Illinois for the treatment
and warehousing of the mentally ill.
Several years ago (probably in the early 1980's), Galesburg State
Research Hospital was closed by the state and the land and buildings were
purchased by the city of Galesburg. It has since been largely
redeveloped into a really nice mixture of private and public businesses.
Mary's Hospital, Galesburg, Ill." postcards. St. Mary's Hospital was established in 1909 by the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis.
It was located in the former
residence of G. W. Thompson, at 239 South Cherry Street, across the street from the Knox County Courthouse.
After construction of a new hospital building in 1914 [pictured to the right], the Thompson house was used as a convent. [Postcards and text contributed by Bob