From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 941. [Contributed by Bobbie (Barb).] Josiah Sampson; Farmer; Chestnut Township; born October 21, 1829, near Richmond, Indiana; educated in log school house in Knox County. His parents were Richard H., and Jane M. (Heath) Sampson of Maryland; his paternal grandparents were Richard Sampson of London, England, and Mary (Hamlin) Sampson of Maryland; his great-grandfather, Benjamin Franklin Sampson, died in England; his maternal grandfather was Josiah Heath. Mr. Sampson was married to Martha A. Street, in Fulton County, March 25, 1852 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Josiah Samson marrying a Martha Ann Street in Fulton County on March 25, 1852]. They have seven children living: Richard H., Martha E., Hulda I., Nicy Jane, Sir John Franklin, Elmer E., and Alpha L. Mildred W. Rist, Mary O. B. Lowden, William, and Josiah are deceased. The last two died in infancy. Mrs. Sampson was the daughter of William and Nancy (Combs) Street of Virginia. They were pioneers in Highland County, Ohio, and came to Fulton County, Illinois, in 1837. Richard H. Sampson came to Knox County, October, 1835, with his wife and six children: Mary, Margaret E., Martha J., Josiah, Rebecca, and Josephine. Benjamin F., Richard, Joseph C., and Tabitha were born in Knox County. He was first brought and improved 160 acres of land, where he lived for 15 years; he had been a teacher in Maryland; he died in 1850. His wife died in 1862. After his marriage, Josiah Sampson, farmed in Fulton and McDonough Counties, remaining in each for five years; he then returned to Knox County, bought out the other heirs to his father's estate, and now owns eight hundred and sixty-five acres of land in Chestnut Township. He is a successful farmer and stock raiser. In politics, Mr. Sampson is a democrat. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. Mr. Sanborn remained at Winchester for a few months, then went to Brimfield, Peoria County, and purchased a farm, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits until his removal to Galesburg. In 1840-41, he was elected Assessor of Peoria County, which position he filled most acceptably. In 1850, he was elected to the Legislature to represent the county of Peoria. On his removal to Galesburg in the Spring of 1851, he engaged in the mercantile business for nearly three years, until he was appointed to the office of Secretary and Treasurer of the Central Military Tract Railroad, which has now become a part of the Burlington system. Under President Pierce he was appointed Postmaster of the City of Galesburg, and in 1857-58-59, he was elected City Assessor. In 1859-60-61, he held the office of General State Agent for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. When the Internal Revenue Department was established during the Civil War, Mr. Sanborn was appointed Assistant United States Collector under Collector Bryant, of Princeton. But his great work was in organizing the Second National Bank of Galesburg, which stands as one of the strongest and most reliable monetary institutions of the city. Mr. Sanborn was elected its first President, which position he filled with the greatest satisfaction to stockholder and patron until his death. Mr. Sanborn's long period of service was in connection with Lombard University. No man ever served an institution of learning more faithfully or in a kinder spirit. He was elected Trustee in June 1859, and was re-elected every year until his death, April 9, 1883. He was a member of the executive committee for twenty-four years and Treasurer of the University for twenty years. As a guardian of the college, he was a most efficient and indefatigable worker. He gave liberally of his means, and there was no enterprise entered into for its upbuilding and advancement without his benefactions. As a man and citizen, he was the peer of any man. His character was open and unvarnished and his manners were plain and unassuming. His kindness of heart and his charitable feelings threw a glamour around him that was pleasing and attractive to everyone. His genial look was an inspiration, and his friendly address a benediction. He was noted for his sincerity and candor, and was no patron of evil in disguise. He was a thorough student of human nature, and in his business relations knew how to deal with the foibles of men. He was sincere in his convictions, honest in his purposes, and upright in all his dealings. He was honored by all who knew him, and lived a life above reproach. Another has said, "He trod life's journey, and performed its duties well, and upon the verge of three score years and ten, laid down its burdens without the throes and agonies usually accompanying nature's dissolving ties. In his track lie no bruised or crushed hearts, no empty hand of pinched want, no imprecations from betrayed trusts". Mr. Sanborn was a man of liberal principles and broad views, and was not hemmed in by creed or doctrine. He was a member of the Universalist Society, and was a faithful worker therein. He believed in the good and true and in a happy home for all God's children. In political faith, he was once a democrat, but in later years he was a republican. He was not a partisan, but always voted and acted for the best interest of the country. Mr. Sanborn was married on his twenty-seventh birthday to Sophia A. Ramsey [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a David Sanborn marrying a Sophia A. Ramsey in Peoria County on April 30, 1840], an adopted daughter of Alpheus Willard, of Brimfield, Illinois. They had had born to them five children: Ellen, the wife of Dr. George Churchill; Mary, who married J. K. Mitchell; Lelia; William D., who lives in San Francisco, and is General Western Agent of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad; and Lake W., who is engaged in insurance at Galesburg, and is Secretary of the Mechanics' Homestead and Loan Association. From the Wednesday, February 7, 1883, Knox County Republican, Knoxville, Illinois. [Transcribed by Todd Walter.] GONE HOME Mrs. Althea Owen Sanburn, widow of the late John G. Sanburn, died at her residence in this place, on Tuesday, January 30th. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church on Friday, the 3rd last, the Rev. Mr. Waddle officiating. More than a passing notice is due to the memory of Mrs. Sanburn. She was born in Ontario County, in the State of New York, on the 8th day of November, 1805, about ten miles from where her late husband was born. They both emigrated to the State of Ohio, at an early day, and then to Knox County Illinois, in 1829. Mrs. Sanburn came to this county with her widowed mother and her brother, the late Parnach Owen, who was widely know throughout the county, at that early day, as "Deacon Owen", a pillar of the Presbyterian Church, and a prominent Christian gentleman. They first settled on a farm near where the town of Gilson now stands, afterwards known as the "Gunsall place", where they remained until 1831. Their nearest neighbor was a Mr. Palmer, who lived on Spoon River, and the next nearest neighbors were at Henderson Grove, where her late husband was then residing, and engaged in merchandising. (Strange as it may appear, though they were born in the same vicinity, in New York, and both moved to Ohio, then to Knox County, Illinois, near the same time, they never met each other until after they were of age and settled in Knox County.) In 1831 she and Mr. Sanburn became acquainted, were married and made their home at his store in Henderson Grove [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John G. Sanborn marrying a Alethea Owen in Knox County on November 3, 1831]. When they moved to Knoxville, Mr. Sanburn still engaged in selling goods, until the county was organized, when he was elected clerk of the Circuit Court, and appointed postmaster. Mrs. Sanburn had a large experience in pioneer life, and many of the reminiscences were of deep interest to those who have heard them. She was the mother of seven children, all of whom were present at the "old homestead" on the day of the funeral, but two of them who came from Ohio, did not arrive until after the funeral services. Mrs. Sanburn united with the Presbyterian church early in life, and remained a highly respected member, until called to her Home above, her name standing first on the roll of members of the church in this place. She was a Christian lady in every sense of the term, and was so considered by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. If she ever had an enemy, it was unknown to the writer of this article, who has been her friend and neighbor for about forty-seven years. She filled all the relations of life with honor to herself, and satisfaction to the church, her family, her neighbors and acquaintances, and when the summons came to call her Home above, she was ready, her duties performed, she had done what she could. She was only sick about one week, did not appear to suffer much pain, just a calm separation of the mortal from the immortal, when she calmly passed away, to be forever with her dear friends, who had gone before, and Him whom she had served so long and faithfully. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." R. L. H. From the 1883 William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas - Allen County, published by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] JOHN N. SAPP, farmer, Section 5, P. O. Bronson, Bourbon County, was born at Circleville, Pickaway Co., Ohio, August 16, 1840. There he learned the trade of tinner. On August 11, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Fourteenth Ohio Infantry, and served until July, 1865. He then moved to Oneida, Knox Co., Ill., where he engaged in stove and tinware business, carrying it on for three years. He came to Allen County, Kansas, in November, 1868, and located on his present farm. He has in all 400 acres, 130 of which are in cultivation and considerable in forest and fruit trees, besides which he raises, to a large extent, live stock. During his residence at this place he was also for three years employed as a tinner at Humboldt. Mr. Sapp has been Treasurer of this Township for the past four years. He was married at Oneida, Ill., in the fall of 1867, to Rebecca Culbertson [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John N. Sapp marrying a Rebecca Cuthbertson in Knox County on November 7, 1867]. They have three children. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] JOB B. SARGEANT. Pages 421 and 422. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] DANIEL B. SARGENT. A farmer, he is the son of Theodore and Rachel Sargent, he of Maine, she of Ohio. He was born in Farmington, Fulton County, IL, on 12 Aug 1832. He was educated in the district school and spent his early life on the farm. He came to Knox Co in 1856. In March, 1854, he married Mary Jane Brassfield, by whom he has one son. Republican, P.O. Yates City. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] DANIEL B. SARGENT. Pages 484, 487, 488 and 485. Biographical information compiled by great-great granddaughter, Sharon Lytle, from ship passenger lists; birth, marriage, and death records; naturalization record; complete military pension file; homestead application; land deeds; photographs; obituaries; and personal letters.
In 1874-1875 the growing young family resided at St. Louis, Missouri, where son Egidius George Schoenberger was born September 21, 1875. There may have been other related Schoenberger immigrants in the St. Louis area at that time. The family then emigrated to Lewistown, Fulton County, Illinois, where daughter Lillian Charlotte was born July 24, 1877. On the very same day, at the Fulton County Courthouse, Anton renounced allegiance to the King of Wertemberg and became a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. The family resided in Lewiston 1875-1877 before finally settling in Yates City, Knox County, Illinois. Three more children were born to Anton and Carolina in Yates City: Charles Fredrick William born November 14, 1879, Minnie Florence born January 28, 1882, and John Henry born May 19, 1884. On August 19, 1886, Anton purchased a home on lots 6&7 of block 12 of the recorded flat of Yates City. Originally listed as a railroad laborer in Knox County census records, Anton later served as village Marshall of Yates City. A proud member of the GAR, Anton served as Commander of Morgan L. Smith Post, No. 666, Department of Illinois in 1899. On November 19, 1908, the Schoenberger family was stricken with profound grief when 65 year old Carolina, possessed of a suicidal mania, laid down along the railroad tracks to commit a deliberately planned self-murder. Her husband, fatigued from long hours of keeping watch over his wife, had fallen into a sleep. Mrs. Schoenberger was reported to have been brooding over the absence of two of her children, Anna and Charles, who had left Yates City two months prior for Montana where they expected to make their homes. The news of the suicide caused a profound sensation in Yates City, where the family had resided for thirty years and was highly respected. Carolina "Lena" was buried in the Yates City Cemetery. On March 8th, 1909, Mr. Schoenberger made application for homestead entry for the SW 1/4 of section 10 in Twp35N R21W of the Montana Meridian, Montana, containing 160 acres (otherwise known as Belton, Flathead Co, Montana). He established residence on the land July 1909, first in a tent and then a house where he kept the American flag flying from its staff in the yard. In 1912, when the inspector from the General Land Office made inspection prior to approval of the homestead, he found the 80 year old gentleman out in the woods repairing the fence. Anton took the inspector to his house and showed it to him with evident pride, particularly the spring-house recently completed with his own hands. The property is reported to have been one of the last privately owned properties in what is now Glacier National Park. Mr. Schoenberger passed away at the Soldiers Home at Columbia Falls, Montana February 21, 1922. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From a February 1922 Galesburg, Illinois, newspaper. ANTON SCHOENBERGER OBITUARY: EARLY RESIDENT PASSED AWAY IN NORTHWEST HOME, Anton Schoenberger Died in Soldiers' Home in Columbia Falls, Mont. Body Brought to Yates City for Burial in Family Lot. Another of the old or early residents of Yates City has answered the call to the great beyond. Anton Schoenberger, well-known to most of our readers, by being an early resident of this city, passed away at the soldiers' home at Columbia Falls, Montana on Tuesday, February 22, at the age of eighty-two years, two months and seven days. Anton Francis Schoenberger was born in Wurtemberg, Germany on December 14, 1839, and from the time he was fourteen years old until about twenty-one, was considerable of a traveler over Europe. He came to the United States at the age of twenty-one, which was 1860, and lived in New York until he enlisted October 14, 1862 in Co. C, 162nd New York Infantry. He served through the civil war and was discharged at New York in October, 1865 as corporal. Within sixty days from his discharge he re enlisted in Co. G, 5th US Cavalry December 11, 1865, as teamster; discharged December 11, 1868. The next spring he again enlisted in Co. G, 8th US Cavalry. on May 19, 1869; discharged February 22, 1873 at St. Sheldon, New Mexico. Thus he served through the great civil war, through the west in different Indian campaigns until the time of his last discharge in 1873. On December 27, 1871 at Ft. Union, New Mexico, he was united in marriage with Miss Caroline Neilson, and for some time they resided in St. Louis, and later in and about Yates City. To Mr. and Mrs. Schoenberger were born nine children, one having passed away several years ago, the others survive their parents and are Mrs. Robert Sandall, Yates City, Ill; Mrs. Robert Marshall, Sienes, Mont; Mrs. Ray Grabil, Abingdon, Ill; Mrs. Minnie Beaton, Portland, Ore; Egid Schoenberger, Chicago; Chas. Schoenberger, Kintla, Mont; John Schoenberger, Kewanee, Ill; and Paul Schoenberger, Belton, Mont. The children married and moved to their respective homes, but Mr. Schoenberger lived in Yates City until the death of his wife in 1908, when he went to Montana to live with his sons. He later took up a homestead on the north fork of Flathead River within the boundaries of what is now Glacier National Park. In later years he found his chief pleasure and contentment in the company of his old comrades at the Montana Soldiers' Home, where he has lived many years, visiting his children at times, but ever eager to return to the home with his comrades. Mr. Schoenberger was one of Yates City's best known residents, and when residing here was one of the most active citizens, serving the village as Marshall, and otherwise carrying on the duties of a good citizen, faithful soldier and honest friend and neighbor. His friends were many and his demise is sorrowing to all who knew him. The body arrived at 11:20 Sunday night accompanied by his son Paul, and funeral services were held in the Yates City Presbyterian church at 10:00 o'clock Monday forenoon in charge of Rev. W. D. Smith, and interment was in the Yates City cemetery beside the remains of his wife. A goodly number were in attendance at the last sad rites, thus paying their respects to one who had found place in their lives and minds for so many years. The remaining members of the G.A.R. were in attendance in a body and soldiers of the world war were pall bearers. The casket was draped in the American flag, the emblem for which he had fought so many years, and the old veteran was clad in the G.A.R. uniform. Besides the beautiful musical numbers rendered by the choir, W. H. Allen and tenderly, "Wrap the Flag Around Me. Those present from out of town besides Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sandall, were Paul Schoenberger, of Belton, Mont.; Egid from Chicago; John and family from Kewanee; Ray Grabill and family, Galesburg and Lee Sandall and family of Gilson. The sorrowing children have the sympathy of all old friends in the loss of their beloved father. From the March 20, 1911 Galesburg newspaper. [Contributed by Patti Smith.] Edmund Scully for the past 46 years a resident of Galesburg died at his home, 888 S. Academy St. He had taken sick at noon, but nothing could save him. Death was caused by strangulation hernia. Born in county Cork Ireland he came to America when a young man, settling in Galesburg. He was employed as a blacksmith by CB&Q railroad. He married Margaret Godsil [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Edmond Scully marrying a Margret Gartchell in Knox County on May 20 1867] who died April 9, 1907. Ten children survive. Edward died Feb 27, 1901, James P, Taylor, TX, John J. El Paso, TX., William H., Mary Wilson, Nellie Sipes, Margaret Forsyth, Kathyrn Farrell, Annie and Dan living at home. Member of the Catholic Church, Rev. Father Baines performing the service at Saint Patrick's Church. Burial at Saint Joseph's Cemetery. From the Thursday, April 11, 1907, Galesburg newspaper. [Contributed by Patti Smith.] SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. SCULLY Mrs. Margaret Scully died this morning at 6:30 o'clock at her home, 888 Abingdon street. For some years Mrs. Scully has been in poor health being afflicted with chronic bronchial trouble but it is thought that her death was hastened by the shock attendant upon the news of the terrible accident which befell her son-in-law, John Farrell, in the Burlington yards here last evening. Margaret Godsil was born in Ireland about 62 years ago and was the daughter of Mary and William Godsil. Since coming to America she has made this city her home. She was a kind and devoted mother and a faithful member of St. Patrick's church. She is survived by her husband, Edward Scully and the following children: Annie and Dan, at home; Mary Wilson, Nellie Sipes, Margaret Forsyth, Kathryn Farrell, Will of Gilson; James of Taylor, Texas; and John of LaJunta, Colo. The following grandchildren, Eddie, George and Matie Sipes; Willie and Edna Forsyth, Leona and Howard Wilson, Willie, Edward, George and Blanche Scully of Gilson, Helen and Robert Scully of Taylor, Texas. Two brothers, Mike and Patrick Godsil, a sister, Mrs. Ellen Hickey departed this life about eight months ago. The deceased was a member of the altar society of St. Patrick's church. The funeral arrangements have not been completed. From the1915 History of Morrison and Todd Counties, Minnesota Vol 2. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Charles E. Seely. Prominent in the business life of Motley, Morrison County, Minnesota, is Charles E. Seely, who was formerly engaged in farming but who is now the manager of the Monarch Elevator Company at Motley, before which he was employed three years as the manager of the elevator at Staples which is owned by the same company. Charles E. Seely was born in Knox County, Illinois, on August 31, 1866, and is the son of Melvin H. and Martha E. (Mosher) Seely, the former of whom was born in Tioga County, Pennsylania, in October, 1833, and the latter of whom was also born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania about 1845. During his active life, Melvin H. Seely was a farmer by occupation. He is a veteran of the Civil War, having enlisted in a Pennsylvania regiment in 1863. He was discharged in 1864 at Philadelphia and after receiving his discharge, engaged in farming. He operated a dairy farm until his removal to Pennsylvania. Later, however, he moved back to Illinois and remained until 1881 when he settled in Moore County, Minnesota, renting land there until 1890 when he moved to Cass County, Minnesota and homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres of land. Finally he was able to put thirty acres of the land under cultivation and farmed it until 1910, when he emigrated to Oklahoma. He is now living with his daughter, Mrs. Lettie B. Tepner, in Cass County, Minnesota. Mrs. Martha E. (Mosher) Seely is also living. She bore her husband nine children, of whom the eldest died before Charles E. was born, Mrs. Etta Hoxter is deceased; Fred M. is a farmer in Cass County; Charles E. was the fourth child; Geroge W. resides in Cass County; Mrs. Lettie B. Tepner resides in Cass County; Warren R. and Melvin E. reside in Cass County; Martha, the youngest, died in infancy. Charles E. Seely was reared on a farm. He attended the common schools of various states and attained a good education. In 1891, Mr. Seely purchased eighty acres of land for which he paid three dollars an acre. He now owns one hundred and twenty acres, eighty acres of which has been cleared and is under cultivation. In the meantime, he has erected a house and barn. The house, however, burned in 1913. In 1902 Mr. Seely came to Motley to accept a position as manager of the Monarch Elevator Company. He owns besides his farm, two lots and a residence in Motley. In 1894, Charles E. Seely was married to Lucy A. Cunningham, who was born on October 3, 1874 and who is the daughter of Niles and Malissa (Mohler) Cunningham, natives of Indiana and Minnesota, respectively. Both are still living and are farming in Todd County, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Seely have had six children; Lilia G. is a graduate of the Staples High School and has been teaching in Cass County for three years; Ethel is a student at the Normal School in Duluth, Bernice, Ruth, Jennings and Enolia G. live at home with their parents. Mr. Seely is a Democrat in politics and is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is now a member of the local school board. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 947. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] PHILEMON B. SELBY, son of George and Ruth (Allen) Selby, was born in Lancaster, Ohio, in 1809. His father was born in Virginia, and, being in the employ of the Government, removed to Mackinaw where he married a second time, and died when on a visit to his children in Ohio. Mr. Selby's mother was the granddaughter of Dr. Silas Allen who served in the Revolutionary War; his early life was passed in the State of New York, but he removed to Ohio and died at Royalton in that state. Mr. Selby came to Knox County in 1834. Mr. Elisha Barrett, who married Mr. Selby's sister Clista, had selected a mill site on Spoon River. Mr. Selby bought the land on which the mill was built, and, assisted by his brother Nelson, operated it for many years. He was also a farmer, on rather an extensive scale, and owned nine quarter sections of land at the time of his death in 1868. Mr. Selby was married at the home of David Housh in Haw Creek Township, November 12, 1837, to Elizabeth Gullett [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Pheleman Selby marrying a Elizabeth Gullett in Knox County on November 12, 1837], daughter of Joshua and Barbara (Housh) Gullett. Joshua Gullett was born in Delaware and brought up in North Carolina. He was a farmer by occupation, and settled in Washington County, Indiana, where he was married in a block house which served as a fort. His wife, Barbara, was a daughter of Adam Housh of Kentucky. They came to Maquon Township about 1840. Five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Selby are now living: Elisha, Mrs. Amanda Summers, Mrs. Salina Clark, Henry, and Mrs. Ruth Bigelow. Mr. Selby was a dealer in stock, buying and selling cattle, taking at one time a drove of three hundred and sixty to Ohio and swimming them across the Illinois River below Peoria Lake. He was a democrat politically, and was a friendly, broadminded man of many good qualities, both mental and moral, and highly respected by the community in which he lived. Mrs. Elizabeth Selby, who survives him, is a woman of sterling character. In early life in Indiana she learned to weave cloth, coverlets and carpets, and followed the same vocation after coming to Knox County with her Uncle David Housh. After her marriage to Mr. Selby she lived in a double shanty made of slabs, and later lived for two years in a frame house, and then moved into a log cabin, at the old Selby homestead, where she lived eight years. When her husband went to Ohio with a large drove of cattle, Mrs. Selby accompanied him with their two children, and cooked for the cattle drivers. They returned with three loads of cloth which they sold in Knox County, and with the proceeds bought more cattle to forward to the same market. After the death of her husband she managed her estate wisely, having a large stock of horses, sheep and swine on her numerous broad acres. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] Charles Selk, boot and shoe manufacturer, Galesburg. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] BENJAMIN BROOKS SHAFFER. Pages 379 and 380. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] JAMES A. SHAFFER. Page 346. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] ISAAC SHERMAN. He was born in Vermont on July 10, 1813. His parents were Evi and Betsey (Bennet) Sherman, both natives of Vermont. They removed to New York and thence to Knox County, Illinois. He married Eliza Wood and they are the parents of 8 children. He has always followed farming and been very successful. He has held the offices of School Director and Road Commissioner. Republican. P.O. Knoxville. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] JAY SHERMAN. A farmer, son of Isaac and Louisa Sherman of Vermont. He was born in Persifer Twp., Knox County, Illinois. He attended the country schools. He served in the 59th IL Infantry in the late war. He has held the office of School Director and Trustee. He was married Nov 22, 1866, to Miss Mariah Upp [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Jay Sherman marrying a Maria L. Upp in Knox County on November 22, 1866], and they have five children. Republican. P.O., Douglas. From the History of the State of Kansas, by William G. Cutler. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] COL. CYRUS SHINN, the founder and presiding genius of Oneida, was born in 1826, in West Virginia, and reared and educated in Knox County, Ill., his father, Sampson Shinn, having located in 1834 on a farm near Galesburg, where he still lives. During the war Cyrus Shinn succeeded Col. Baker as recruiting officer, and from this is derived the title by which he is known all over the West. For over ten years he was in the real estate business in Gilman, Ill., with a branch office in Chicago a portion of the time. It was his lively advertising that first boomed Iroquois County. In 1878 he came to Oneida, where he had owned 400 acres of land since 1873. At this time he owned 2,500 acres in Nemaha County, and from this time a better idea an be obtained from Col. Shinn by referring to a sketch of his pet town, Oneida, for says he: "I am bound to boom the town if I don't make a cent." The Colonel has given every person in Oneida a free lot, and will do the same by all who come to build and stay permanently, and not sell liquor on the same. He is jolly, loquacious, bright and 'on the make;' like all stirring, progressive men, occasionally gets on someone's toes, and of course has enemies; yet, when it comes to doing anything, from making a speech to building a schoolhouse, the Colonel is always in demand. Oneida has never had a saloon fight or case for assault and battery since its foundation. Gilman Township in which Oneida is located, is the only township in the county that gave St. John a majority last fall. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 348. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] SAMUEL SHIVES, of section 16, Elba Township, came to Knox County in April, 1851, from Fulton County, Pa. He was a single man at the time, and worked by the month several years for farmers and at other occupations. This continued for about 11 years. In 1873, he purchased 40 acres of land in Elba Township, on section 16, and went to work on this. He has continued to live there until this time, and now owns 120 acres of land acquired by occasional additions to the original 40; part of this acreage is tillable. Mr. Shives was born in Fulton County, Pa., Jan. 16, 1825. He lived there until 1851, when he came to Knox County, where he was married in Knoxville, Jan 16, 1866. He was the husband of a lady by the name Martha Kightlinger [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Samuel Shives marrying a Martha Kightlinger in Knox County on January 16, 1866], daughter of Jacob and Marion (Berfield) Kightlinger, both natives of Pennsylvania. They reside in Yates City. Mrs. Shives was born in Elba Township, Jan 14, 1844. Mr. and Mrs. Shives have four children - Flora E., Marion R., John D., and Mabel M. Flora Estella died Oct. 23, 1879, when eight years of age. Mr. Shives has been quite a prominent man in his community, and has assisted in matters educational and otherwise. He is a clear thinker and an active worker, and has been School Director 15 years. He has been Collector of the township for a number of years, and in politics he is a Democrat. His parents, John and Susan (Miller) Shives, were natives of Fulton County, Pa. From the 1883 William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas - Marshall County, published by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] J. M. SHUMATE, merchant, was born in Illinois, January 27, 1840; enlisted in the U. S. Army, August 9, 1861, in Company B, Thirtieth Illinois Infantry, remained in service until January 29, 1865 when he was discharged on account of wounds; moved to Marshall County, Kan., May, 1866, and engaged in farming, and in 1877 moved to Frankfort and engaged in the merchandise business until 1881. Mr. S. was appointed J. P., June, 1882, and has been Township Clerk and Constable for three years, is a member of G. A. R. and A. O. U. W. and a Knight of Pythias; was married in Knox County, Ill., December 12, 1865, to Elida Osborn [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Joseph M. Shummate marrying a Aleda Osborn in Knox County on September 12, 1865], they have four children -- Lulu, Carrie, William and Herbert. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] George W. Simkins. Among the respected citizens and well-to-do farmers of this county, who have made what they have of this worlds goods, not having been the recipient of any legacy, is the subject of this biographical notice. The parents of Mr. Simkins were Horatio and Mary (Rice) Simkins, natives of Pennsylvania. In that state the parents were married and lived until 1836, when they came to this county and settled on Spoon River, three miles east of Maquon village, and there the father followed farming for a number of years, and then removed to Salem Township, where the demise of both parents occurred. They had 11 children, who grew to the age of man and womanhood, and whose names are Margaret, Noah, Rachel, John, Hiram, William, Elizabeth, George W., Horatio, Jesse, and Anna M. George W. Simkins was born in Pennsylvania, Dec. 17, 1831. and was about five years of age when his parents emigrated to this county, where he has lived ever since, with the exception of one year spent in Iowa, and one year in Ford County, in this State. He is engaged in agriculture, in which he has met with far more than ordinary success. He is at the present writing the proprietor of 317 acres of ground, the major portion of which is in good tillable condition. Mr. Simkins was married in Haw Creek Township, April 7, 1849, to Mary McCoy [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Washington Simpkins marrying a Mary McCoy in Knox County on April 11, 1850], daughter of David and Anna (Donaldson) McCoy. Her parents came to this county in the spring of 1806(sic) and made settlement in Maquon Township. They afterward removed to Haw Creek Township, and thence to Iowa, where the father died. The mother returned to this county and died in Maquon village. Of their union 11 children were born--Richard, Allen, Margaret, Andrew, Mary, Francis, Lewis, David, Marion, and Betsy, and one who died in infancy. Mrs. Simkins was born in Virginia, May 22, 1824, and is the mother of four children--Andrew, Anna, Nathan, and William H. Andrew married Lydia Theil, and is a farmer in Maquon Township; they have six children--George W., Frederick, Clara, Henry, Lovina, and Gertie; Anna married David Barom (sic Barbero), and resides in Chestnut Township; they have two children--Nathan and Frederick; Nathan married Mary J. Winchell, by whom he has three children--Susan, Blanche and Charlie C.; William H. Simkins married Jessie Simpson, and is a resident of Chestnut Township, and they have one child-Clarence. Mr. George W. Simpkins has been School Director in his township, and in politics votes with the Democratic party * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] GEORGE W. SIMKINS; Farmer; Maquon Township; born in Pennsylvania, December 17, 1832. His parents Horatio and Mary (Rice) Simkins, and his grandparents, Ananias and Rachel Simkins, came from Pennsylvania. He was married in Haw Creek Township to Mary McCoy, the daughter of David McCoy, an old settler in Haw Creek Township. Their children are; Andrew; Anne, the wife of David Barbero; Nathan; and Henry. His second marriage, July 31, 1886, was with Mrs. Elizabeth (Moore) Pumyea [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Washington Simpkins marrying a Mrs. Elizabeth Pumyea in Fulton County on July 3, 1895], the daughter of Andrew and Margaret (Steinbrook) Moore. Mrs. Simkins has two children by her former marriage, William Allen and Edith Pumyea. Mr. Simkins was born on a farm, and has always been a farmer. After his marriage he rented a farm for two years, one-half mile east of Maquon; he then rented a farm of his father two miles farther east; he then lived for five years three miles north-west of Maquon, after which he moved to Decatur County, Iowa, where he remained one year and returned in 1859. He afterwards farmed five years in Elba Township, and fourteen years four miles west of Maquon. He then removed to Section 21, where he has one hundred and fifty-seven acres of finely improved land; he also has one hundred and sixty acres on Section 15, and four town lots. Mr. Simkins is a democrat. He has been a member of the Grange for five years. From the 1885 History of McDonough County, Illinois, Continental Historical Co., Springfield, Illinois. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] Sterling C. Simpson resides on section 7, Bethel township, where he owns 160 acres of cultivated land. He has paid particular attention to the raising of live stock, and has some fine graded horses - Clydesdales and English drafts. Mr. Simpson is a native of East Tennessee, and was born on the 26th of May, 1811. He is the son of James and Letitia (Willett) Simpson. James was born in Tennessee, and Letitia in Maryland. Sterling was engaged in farming with his father until September, 1834, when he went to clerking for his brother, in Kingsport, Tennessee. He there remained one year, when he came to McDonough county, Illinois, and located in Macomb, where he established a general store. He was so engaged until 1839, when he went to LaGrange, Illinois, and there was engaged in his former occupation for some time, when he erected a pork-packing establishment, and was so engaged one year. In 1840 he returned to Macomb, and in the spring of that year went to Knox county, where he was engaged in farming two miles and one-half from Knoxville, and there remained until 1859, when he moved to the said town and set up in the grocery business. In the spring of 1867 he came back to Macomb, and established his former business in which he was engaged until 1868, when he moved to a farm one mile east of that city. In the spring of 1876 he removed to his present residence, which is known as one of the finest in the township. Mr. Simpson was married on the 28th of June, 1838, to Catherine Johnson, of Pennsylvania [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Starburg C. Simpson marrying a Catherine Johnston in Knox County on June 7, 1838]. She is the daughter of George Johnson of the same state. Mrs. Simpson died in Knoxville, in February, 1863, leaving four children - John J., John (both died in infancy); George W., living in White City, Kansas; and Francis W., living in Chalmers township. Mr. Simpson was again married on the 4th of October, 1864 [in Knox County], to Sarah A. Smith, a daughter of John and Harriet (Gibbons) Smith. They have had two children - Sterling S. and John G. Mr. Simpson is a member of the Presbyterian church, and an earnest worker in that cause. He has been assessor for Macomb township; also assessor for Knox township, in Knox county. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. Page 846 John M. Sipes There are many successful and well-to-do
farmers in Knox County, From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. The ancestral line of the Sisson family, on the mother's side, has been traced back to a very early period. Its length stretches through thirty-seven generations &endash; to Egbert, who became King in the year 802, and was styled "Rex Anglorum" or "King of the English". Henry's great-grandfather was Captain Veach Williams &endash; a man of considerable prominence in his day and generation, who was born in Lebanon, Connecticut, April 23, 1727. He was the same family as Ephriam Williams, founder of Williams College; and of William Williams, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and Speaker of the Colonial Congress. Veach married Lucy, fourth daughter of William and Mary (Avery) Walworth, of Groton, Connecticut. Her family was related to Chancellor Walworth, of Saratoga, New York, and were descended from General John Humphrey, Deputy Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, whose wife was descended from King Egbert. The genealogy of this family presents many noted and historical names. In this country, and to some extent, in the Old World, families are so broken up by emigration, marriage, and other conditions, that it seems wonderful that so long and authentic a lineage as this of the Sisson family could be secured. Henry M. Sisson, who stands almost at the end of this ancestral line, had, in his youth, all the educational advantages that the common schools of his native town afforded. "Multum in parvo" was his motto, and from the little offered, he possessed the spirit and ability to extract much. After leaving the common school, he entered the Clinton Grammar School, where he received thorough drill in some of the more advanced branches. After arriving in Galesburg, he continued his studies, in the district school, and afterwards, entered Knox Academy in the Fall of 1843. He recited in the college classes and made considerable proficiency in the study of Latin. But his bent of mind turned to mathematics, which was easy to him, and which he regarded as more closely connected with the business of life. When only sixteen years of age, he made such advancement as to become manager and teacher in a public school. Mr. Sisson lived in Galesburg thirteen years, and in the Summer of 1855, removed to his farm in Henderson Township. He has been engaged in agricultural pursuits and fine stock raising from that time to the present, and has been entirely successful. As a stock raiser and a judge of fine stock, he is regarded as an authority and his reputation in that line extends far and wide. Mr. Sisson has the confidence of his fellow citizens, and has been called to many places of public trust. He was first elected Supervisor from Henderson Township in 1869; again in 1876, 1877, 1878, then in 1885, holding the office thereafter for eleven consecutive years. He has been a School Trustee; member of the County Agricultural Board; President of the Farmers' Institute; Road Commissioner; member of the Farmers' Congress, for the World's Fair; delegate to the Farmers' National Congress, held at Fort Worth in 1898; President of the Old Settlers' Association of Knox County; President of National Poland China Swine Association; and for ten years President of American Poland China Record Company. Mr. Sisson is a man plain in his manners, and possesses a nature free from all disguises. He is a lover of friends and home, strong in his attachments, and unyielding in his purposes and plans. He is intelligent, a great reader, and keeps himself abreast of the times. The history of the country and party politics is familiar to him, and his ability and discretion make him strong in the defense of his principles. He has always been regarded as an upright citizen, and as one worthy of confidence and trust. In his religious creed, Mr. Sisson is broad and liberal. He believes in the religion of deeds, rather than in ritual or ceremony. He attends the Presbyterian Church. In politics, he is an uncompromising republican, and takes a deep interest in every election. Mr. Sisson was married, December 25, 1860 to Eliza Jane Miller [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Henry M. Sisson marrying a Eliza Jane Miller in Cook County on December 25, 1860], daughter of John and Jane A. (Crane) Miller, who then lived in Chicago. Ten years after the death of her mother, Mr. Miller moved to Galesburg. He was one of the early settlers of Chicago, and was elected one of the first trustees. He died in Galesburg, January 22, 1858. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Sisson are the following: John Miller, died December 1, 1863; Mary E., died April 4, 1863; Della Abba; Dora Eliza; Fanny Owen; Margaret Miller; Helen McCall; and Anna Miller. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. Judge Smith, son of Eratus and Martha (Hulick) Smith, was born in Batavia, Claremont County, Ohio, May 9, 1829. His father was a New Englander by birth, a native of Rhode Island; his mother, a native of Ohio. The family removed to Illinois in the Fall of 1840, and settled upon a farm in Knox County. Young Arthur spent his boyhood at the paternal fireside, attending school and performing the customary duties of a farmer's son. On account of the newness of the country and the unsettled condition of the schools, his early educational advantages were not the best; but he had the ability and will to make the best use possible of the means at his command, thus laying a firm foundation for his future success. After arriving in Knox County, he remained a member of his father's family until 1848, when he became a student of the Preparatory Department of Knox College, and afterwards entered college, graduating with high honors in 1853. Immediately thereafter, he commenced the study of law under the instruction and supervision of Abraham Becker, an able practitioner of Otsego County, New York. After remaining with Mr. Becker for a year, he finished his course in the office and under the tuition of Hon. Julius Manning, of Peoria, Illinois, and was admitted to the Bar in 1855. He opened his first office in Galesburg, and continued in active practice until the breaking out of the Civil War. Inspired by a patriotic spirit, he then left home and friends for his country's service. With General A. C. Harding, of Monmouth, Illinois, he organized the Eighty-third Regiment of Illinois Infantry; General Harding being elected Colonel and Judge Smith Lieutenant Colonel. This regiment was mustered in at Monmouth, August 21, 1862, and was immediately ordered to Forts Henry and Donelson, where for a time, it performed guard duty along the Cumberland. February 3, 1863, the Confederate Generals, Forrest, Wheeler, and Wharton with 8,000 men, made an attack upon the Eighty-third Illinois, a company of the Fifth Iowa Cavalry, and a section of the guns of Flood's Battery. Colonel Harding commanded the post, and Colonel Smith the regiment. This engagement is regarded as one of the greatest triumphs of the war. The Confederates were determined to capture Fort Donelson. They surrounded it and demanded its surrender. The little Spartan band, with heroic faith, resolved to stand their ground and die, if needs be, in their country's cause. The Confederates succeeded in capturing one gun of Flood's Battery. Colonel Smith proposed to recapture it, and with the assistance of a few men, made the attempt, but without success. The battle raged until nightfall, and this little band of patriots withstood this vastly superior force, and at last, the rebels were forced to retreat. The gunboats coming up, Colonel Smith was ordered to go aboard and direct the fire. This caused the rebels to abandon their plan of taking Fort Donelson. General Lowe, the commandant at Fort Henry, gave both Colonels Harding and Smith great praise for their bravery and meritorious conduct in this battle. The following incident will show something of the spirit and character of Colonel Smith as a military man: Lieutenant Gamble with six men was dispatched to guard a train going to Nashville. He was attacked by rebel guerillas, and both he and his men were captured. They were stripped of their shirts and arranged in line for the final tragedy, with this tab attached to each one: "Killed by Guerrillas." As the deadly aim was taken, Gamble made a leap for liberty and escaped. The others were butchered on the spot. This act so outraged the feelings of Colonel Smith that he issued orders that these inhuman butchers be captured, dead or alive. Subsequently, they were captured; dead. Lieutenant Gamble reached the camp in safety. Subsequently, for meritorious service, General Harding was made a Brigadier General, and Colonel Smith was assigned to the command of the District of Tennessee with headquarters at Clarksville. This position, he held until the close of the war, when in 1865, he was mustered out and brevetted with the rank and title of Brigadier General. With these well-earned honors, General Smith returned to his home in Galesburg; but soon thereafter left for Clarksville, Tennessee, on a business venture with W. A. Peffer, afterwards United States Senator for Kansas. In this position he did not remain long; for the passions and animosities of the Southern people had been so aroused against the North during the rebellion, that it was extremely dangerous for a Northern man to attempt to live in or pass through many sections of the South. Frequently, under the cover of night, General Smith was shot at, and he also received many threatening letters. By the advice of friends, he left Clarksville, and, in 1866, returned to Galesburg, entering again upon the practice of law, which he continued until 1867, when he was appointed by Governor Oglesby Judge of the Circuit Court to fill the unexpired term of Judge John S. Thompson. In June 1867, he was elected to the same position, and for five successive terms, he received the almost unanimous suffrages of the people for that office. For the long period of twenty-nine years, he sat on the bench as Circuit Judge, performing his duty faithfully, wisely, and justly, with few decisions of his reversed in the higher courts. On account of ill health, he resigned two years before the expiration of his last term of office. In public and private life, Judge Smith has shown himself to be a superior man. Rigid integrity, a sound judgment, prudence, and discretion are some of the elements of his character. As a lawyer, his reputation is established for his fairness towards his opponent and for his candor in speech and argument. As a Judge, his impartiality and the justness of his decisions were the predominating characteristics. As a citizen, his views are broad, liberal, and charitable, looking towards the improvement and welfare of his city, his State, and his country. He is regarded as an upright and trustworthy citizen, and is highly honored for his services in the dark days of the rebellion, and as a Judge of the Circuit Court. Judge Smith's religious creed is not narrow. He accords to every man the right of worship as he pleases. Early, he was a member of the Methodist Church, but in later years, he has been an attendant at the Congregational service, though not a member of that Church. In politics, he is a staunch republican. He is a believer in party principles more than in party machinery. He was a member of the Legislature in 1861, and worked faithfully for the interests of his constituents. He is a member of the G.A.R.; member of the Loyal Legion, and has been a trustee of Knox College for more than twenty years. Judge Smith was married in 1855 to Mary Delano [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Arthur A. Smith marrying a Mary S. Delano in Knox County on May 8, 1855], whose death and the death of one child occurred the following year. He was again married, November 12, 1856, to Mary E. Benner, of Galesburg [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Arthur A. Smith marrying a Mary Banner in Knox County on November 12, 1856]. To them were born five children: Blanche V., who is an accomplished musician, having spent five years in Europe studying music; Arthur A., an attorney-at-law; DeWitt, who is engaged in the jewelry business in Chicago; Loyal L., an attorney in Chicago; Benner X., a leading attorney in Salt Lake City, Utah. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 823. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Austin Smith, son of William and Lorinda (Badger) Smith, was born in Marathon, Cortland County, New York, October 16, 1823. His parents were married in Cortland County. His maternal grandfather was Edmund Badger. Mr. Smith's family history is one of much interest. His paternal grandparents, Robert and Grace (Braithwaite) Smith, were natives of England, the latter born near Leeds. They were married in the old country, and came to America at the outbreak of the War of the Revolution. Robert Smith at once enlisted in the colonial service, and served the entire seven years in the struggle for independence, most of the time in the rank of Orderly Sergeant; wintered at Valley Forge; took part in the principal battles, and was present at the surrender of Yorktown. He served throughout the war without a wound, and at its close received a grant of land in Cincinnatus, Cortland County, New York; he died in Virgil, New York, at the age of eighty-four; there were eight children, five sons and three daughters. William Smith was born in Schoharie County, New York, but moved to Cortland County with his parents, where he was reared on a farm. There were ten children, seven sons and three daughters, two of whom died in New York. The parents came to Illinois in 1844, and settled on Section 27 in Township of Lynn, Knox County. Although he had not had the advantages of the schools, he was a good business man and prosperous farmer. He was a deacon in the Baptist Church. He died at the age of ninety-two. His wife lived to the great old age of one hundred years and three months, having been born December 15, 1790. Austin Smith married Sarah McNaught in Toulon, Stark County, Illinois, January 10, 1865 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Austin Smith marrying a Sarah K. McNaught in Stark County on January 10, 1855]; they have four children, May C., Ruth B., Addie F., and Charles A. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of Thomas and Eliza (Custer) McNaught, early settlers of Illinois, having located at Fraker's Grove about 1840. Mr. McNaught died at Centerville, Lynn Township. Mr. Smith was raised on the farm, and has been engaged in farming all his life, excepting six years when he was in the hardware business in Henry, Marshall County, Illinois. On account of his health he returned to farming and now owns one hundred and twenty acres of land. He was made a Mason in Henry Lodge, No. 19, Henry, Illinois. His father, William Smith, was also a Mason. Mr. Smith is a Prohibitionist and Democrat, and has held local offices. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 864. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Charles P. Smith is one of the farmers of Knox County who have succeeded in making themselves not only a reputation, but a comfortable competency for their declining years. His home is located on section 25 of Copley Township, and is a fine piece of property. Mr. Smith was born Jan. 9, 1823, in York County, Pa. His parents were Conrad and Barbara (Naus) Smith, natives of Pennsylvania. They came to Illinois in the spring of 1837, and settled in Victoria Township, where the father purchased 160 acres of land on section 30. Their family consisted of 13 children, 10 of whom still live as follows: John, Conrad, Jacob, Henry, Peter, Barbara, Rebecca, Mary A., Charles P. and Michael. The father and mother continued on the home place until the dates of their deaths, which was 1863 and 1852 respectively. The subject of this sketch remained at home until his mother's death. He received a limited education and has made farming his business, purchasing in 1849 160 acres where he now lives. He was married in 1854 to Miss Barbara Dennis [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Charles P. Smith marrying a Barbara E. Dennis in Knox County on September 21, 1854], a native of Ohio and a daughter of Martin and Rebecca Dennis, natives of Pennsylvania and Virginia. They came to Illinois in 1853 and settled in Victoria Township, where they are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a family of nine children, named as follows: Josephine, George, Laura, Allen D., Harvey E., Mattie, Charles C., Roy, and Hallah. Jospehine, now Mrs. Melvin Moak, has three children - Alonzo, Florence and Charles; George R. married Miss Mary E. Dosset and has three children - Robert, Fred and Bertie; Laura (Mrs. Nathaniel C. Heaton) has one child - Edna. Mr. Smith is a popular, active man in the neighborhood, and holds many of the minor offices of his township. He is at present School Director, laboring for the interest of the schools. He holds the position of Pathmaster, and figures prominently among popular men. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and one of its most useful members, and in politics is Democratic. From the A Biographical Account of Chauncey Billings Smith, 1819-1891 by Glen Perazzo, published privately 2000. [Contributed by Glen Perazzo.]
After Mary Smith died on June 20, 1850, Chauncey married Adaline Elizabeth Butler (b. 27 Feb 1831) in 1852. Adaline is the fourth child of William Butler (1772-1831) and Elizabeth McMurtry Butler (1803-1864). By 1853 the Smith family had moved to Knoxville, Knox County, Illinois. Chauncey is listed as a shoemaker on the Federal censuses during the time he lived on East Main Street in Knoxville. The birth of their son Caymanice Auldrado Smith occurred on May 28, 1853 in Knoxville. Son Dresden Corvada Smith was born in Knoxville on May 24, 1855. Daughter Mardora Adell Smith was born September 19, 1858 in Knoxville, Illinois. On September 4, 1860, 16 year-old Levinia died. On February 16, 1862 Caymanice died. Both are buried in the Knoxville Cemetery. On August 17, 1862, the 17 year-old, 5' 3" Charles G. Smith enlisted for three years to fight in the Civil War. Mary Blanch Smith was born on November 3, 1862 in Knoxville, Illinois. While charging the enemy at Resaca, Georgia on May 15, 1864 Charles G. Smith was severely wounded by a gunshot to his right ankle. The lower third of his right leg was amputated on May 16, 1864 and he was honorably discharged from the army on May 18, 1865 at the U.S. General Hospital in Quincy, Illinois. On July 16, 1866 Flora M. Smith was born in Knoxville, Knox County, Illinois. She was the last of the children born to Chauncey Billings Smith and Adaline Elizabeth Butler Smith. Flora came home to the following family: Chauncey (46), Adaline (35), Charles (20), Alice (19), Dresden (11), Mardora (7), and Mary Blanche (2). On September 10, 1867, Alice Smith married Cornelius Wilson (b. 12 May 1843), son of George A. and Rosanna McPherrin Wilson, in Knoxville, Illinois. They had three daughters. Alice Smith Wilson died on July 11, 1877. Cornelius married Alice's half-sister Mardora Smith on November 5, 1878. They had two daughters: Lena Wilson and Jennie Lea Wilson. Cornelius Wilson died on March 11, 1896. Mardora married Myron J. Peterson in Aurora, Nebraska on April 19, 1917. On December 29, 1880, Dresden Corvada Smith married Mary Elizabeth Luper in Fulton County, Illinois. Mary Luper is the daughter of David and Lois Curtis Luper. Mary was born November 1, 1862 in Lee, Fulton, Illinois. The following children were born to Dresden and Mary Smith: Harley Tillman Smith - born 24 February 1883, died 1 June 1930 On page 8 of the Saturday December 19, 1891 issue of the Republican-Register newspaper of Galesburg, Illinois we read the following announcement of Chauncey's death: "C. B. Smith, a time honored resident of Knoxville, died Sunday at 1 a.m. The funeral services were held Monday at 1 p.m. at his late residence on East Main street." Chauncey Billings Smith died on Friday, December 11, 1891. Chauncey was 72 years old. He is buried in the Knoxville Cemetery in the family plot. On December 20, 1896, Adaline Elizabeth Butler Smith passed away at the age of 65. The Knoxville Presbyterian Church death records indicate that she "was a member for 33 years, and a good woman." She is buried in the family plot at the Knoxville Cemetery. Charles G. Smith died at his residence of No. 4, 13th St., N.E., in Washington, D.C. on September 14, 1903. He was 57 years old. He is buried in the Knoxville Cemetery in the family plot. Mardora Adell Smith Wilson Peterson died February 12, 1921. She is buried in Phillips Cemetery, Hamilton County, Nebraska. Dresden Corvada Smith died May 5, 1927 at his residence in the Lone Tree Township, Central City, Merrick County, Nebraska. He was 71. He was a retired farmer. He is buried in the Central City Cemetery. On November 27, 1928 Mary Blanch Smith was struck and killed at a grade crossing in the Village of Laura, Peoria County, Illinois. She was 66 years old. She is buried in the Knoxville Cemetery. On January 12, 1936, Flora M. Smith passed away at the Knoxville Old Ladies Home. She was 69 years old. She is buried in the Knoxville Cemetery. Thus, the last of the children of Chauncey and Adaline passed this earthly existence. Two of their children have current living descendants: Dresden and Mardora. Dresden is my great great grandfather, I descend through his first son Harley. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 711. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] EDMUND SMITH. Of the names among the records of Knox County there stands out in bold relief that of Edmund Smith, who entered its precincts in 1844, settling on section 31, Persifer Township, in which township he now owns 55 acres. He has watched the gradual growth of this section of country, and feels that keen interest in its progress known only to those who first knew it in its lonely primitive state, dotted here and there with the humble log cabins which constituted the homes of its residents in the early days. Our subject first saw the light of day in Granby, Mass., June 9, 1809, and had attained the age of 23 years when he came to Ohio. In that state he resided until moving to Knox County; he had followed the vocation of clerk in a store, after which he pursued mercantile business for himself a short time. On coming to Knox County he bought a farm in Haw Creek Township, where he lived for seven years. Accompanied by his wife and four children, in 1844, he settled in Persifer Township, renting land, soon after which he purchased 40 acres in the same township, upon which he remained four years. The third year of Mr. Smith's residence upon this little farm, his dog went mad, and, attacking his master, bit him severely. Mr. Smith heard of a madstone at Liverpool, a little town on the Illinois River, and immediately repaired there to test its efficacy. To his great joy, it proved all that had been claimed for it; his life was saved, and he has since felt no discomfort from the wound. Mr. Smith naturally recommends the madstone to all who may meet with the misfortune which he did. He states that the animal was raving mad and chewed its own tongue off. Mr. Smith subsequently sold this land and engaged in the grocery business at Gilson. He was married in Gallia County, Ohio, August 15, 1837, to Sarah P. Rambo, who was born in the same county, June 9, 1818. Their family was large, consisting of 12 children, as follows: Benjamin, Rueben and Henry are deceased; Louisa is the wife of Lewis F. Roe, and resides in Adams County, Ill.; Charles makes his home in Haw Creek Township; Abraham is under the parental roof; William resides in Iowa; Rachel has a home in Knoxville; Cynthia is the wife of John Hughes, and resides in Haw Creek Township; Edmund's home is in Texas; Sarah is the wife of John Lindsey, and lives in Haw Creek Township, and Maggie still continues at home. Two sons were in the Union Army, in the 77th Ill. Vol. Inf. - Charles and William; the latter was for a time in a Texas prison, and both served until the close of the war. In politics Mr. Smith is a Republican, which party he supports with voice and vote, and is an energetic worker in public affairs. He is also intelligent and interested in educational matters. From the Wednesday, March 22, 1911, Stark County News. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Death of An Old Pioneer Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbs Smith [wife of John B. Smith], one of the oldest pioneers of Knox county, died at the home of her daughter, Bessie, in New York City, on Sunday, March 19, 1911, in the 87th year of her age. Elizabeth Gibbs was born in Camdon county, New Jersey, and came to Illinois with her parents, Martin and Hannah Gibbs and three brothers and two sisters, and one sister-in-law. They came from Jersey with teams and wagons and after six weeks on the road they settled at Walnut Creek, Knox county, Illinois, in September 1838. Then the hardships of pioneer life commenced in the little log cabin with the clapboard roof and mud chimney. Those were the days of Indians, rattle snakes and wolves. About ten years later, Elizabeth Gibbs was united in marriage to John B. Smith [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John B. Smith marrying a Elizabeth Gibbs in Knox County on January 20, 1848], also an old settler of Lynn township and a brother of Austin Smith of LaFayette. To them were born eight children, three living in California, two in New York City and two are dead. In 1887 the husband died in Galva. He was a soldier in the Civil War. After the death of her husband she went to live with her daughter in New York and since then she has been to California twice and been back to Illinois two or three times, but she has made her last trip and gone to her reward. She was the last one of her family. Of the ten that made the trip across the country to Illinois in 1838, there is but one left, J.P. Gibbs of Galva, who was only six years old. He is the son of Jonathan Gibbs. From the Wednesday, June 9, 1915, Stark County News. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Mrs. Harriet Thompson Smith [wife of Heman P. Smith] died at her home in Knox county Wednesday night at 10 o'clock. Her death resulted from a stroke of paralysis, although she had been in failing health for some time. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon and were conducted by the Reverend Thomas, pastor of the Baptist church of Galva. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the Wednesday, June 16, 1915, Stark County News. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Mrs. Harriet Thompson Smith. The following obituary of Mrs. Heman P. Smith is copied from the Galesburg Republican-Register. The funeral was held at the home Friday at 1 o'clock and was attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors. Reverend Thomas of the Baptist church of Galva officiated. The singing was by Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Charles Headley, of Galva, who sang "Rock of Ages," Abide with Me." The pall bearers were Steve King, Oscar Collinson, Clyde and Claude Cochran. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Harriet Thompson, only daughter of John and Harriet Thompson, was born in Goshen, Litchfield county, Connecticut, August 4, 1838, and passed away at her home in Lynn township, June 2, 1915, aged 77 years, 9 months and 29 days. When about 4 years of age she came west with her parents, who settled near LaFayette, Stark County, Illinois, where she grew and bloomed into all that was good and beautiful in womanhood. Later they moved to Cottonwood farm, Lynn township, where on May 24, 1865, she was united in marriage to Heman P. Smith [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Heman P. Smith marrying a Harriet E. Thompson in Knox County on May 27, 1865]. They settled at once in the present home, where they have spent 50 years of married life. To this union were born eleven children, seven of whom survive as follows: Lamont,of Cheney, Washington; Letha, of Peoria, Illinois; Fred, of Lynn township; Abbie, of Pullman, Washington; Addie, who resided at home; Urban, of Altona, and Bertha, of Kansas City, Missouri. She also leaves her aged husband and thirteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. At an early age Mrs. Smith united with the Baptist church at Galva, and she has always been faithful and true to her God. For the past two years she has been in failing health and for the past few months has been deprived of her eyesight, yet she never complained, always cheerful and patient, thinking of the needs of others before herself. The last year she and her husband have looked forward to and planned on what so few have the privilege of enjoying their golden wedding anniversary and it was on this day she was taken suddenly worse and gradually grew weaker and weaker, till the end came on Wednesday, June 2, in the evening at 10 o'clock. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 951. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Harry A. Smith; Farmer; Maquon, Illinois; born January 15, 1868, in Fulton County, Illinois; educated in the district schools. His father, William A. Smith, was a native of Pennsylvania; his mother, Sarah E. Smith, was born in Illinois. His paternal grandparents, Elijah and Susan Smith, were natives of Pennsylvania. His maternal grandfather, Andrew Pinegar, was born in Kentucky. His maternal grandmother's Christian name was Matilda. The paternal great-grandmother's family name was Brown; that of the maternal great-grandfather, Marchant. November 24, 1892, at Rapatee, Mr. Smith was married to Lillie M. Norval [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Harry A. Smith marrying a Lillie Norval in Knox County on November 24, 1892]; they had three children: Ethel, Halsey and Nellie. In politics, Mr. Smith is a democrat. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 824. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Heman P. Smith was born in Marathon, Cortland County, New York, November 14, 1833. His parents were William Smith, born in Schenectady, New York, August 21, 1787 and Lorinda (Badger) Smith, born near Coventry, New York, and the daughter of Edmund Badger of Becket, Massachusetts. His grandfather, Robert Smith, came with his bride to America from Manchester, England in 1776, landing at New York when Washington was organizing his army at White Plains. He immediately enlisted and served in the Revolutionary War seven years and eight months, during part of which time he was a commissioned officer on detailed duty. During the war, his wife lived on the Mohawk Flats, at Fort Stanwix. At the close of the war he located at Schenectady, New York, where he resided until 1794. He was a man of strong character and felt the military services he rendered was a duty he owed his adopted country, and they were cheerfully performed. He led essentially a farmer's life. He removed from Schenectady to Cincinnatus, Cortland County, [New York] and settled on the six hundred and forty acres allowed him by the government for his services in the war. That section of New York State was at that time almost a wilderness, and his nearest neighbor was sixteen miles distant. After a residence here of fourteen years, he removed to Marathon, where he spent the remainder of his life. He had a liberal English education, and while residing in Schenectady, was honored by being elected to several municipal offices. He had five sons and three daughters. The sons were John, Isaac, Robert, William and Abraham. Heman P. Smith came to Knox county with his father, June 19, 1844, and settled in Lynn Township, on the farm which he now occupies and where his parents died, the father at the age of ninety-two and the mother at the remarkable age of one hundred years and three months. Mr. Smith was educated in the common schools of Knox County, and at Beloit College, Wisconsin, from which he was called to take charge of the home farm. He enlisted in the Civil War in 1862, Company G of the Eighty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, and served until February 1865, when he was discharged for disability, three months before the disbanding of his entire regiment. He was in all the engagements of the regiment, which had some of the most severe encounters of the war, and took part in fifteen pitched battles. He was in the front rank during the charge up Missionary Ridge, and spent nine months in the hospital. May 25, 1865, Mr. Smith was married to Harriet E. Thompson [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Heman P. Smith marrying a Harriet E. Thompson in Knox County on May 27, 1865] in Lynn Township. They have seven children, La Mont born December 9, 1866; Letha born April 7, 1870; Fred born July 8, 1873; Abbie and Addie born September 5, 1880, Urban born June 5, 1882; and Bertha born October 31, 1885. In politics, Mr. Smith is an independent democrat and has held most of the township offices, including that of Assessor, and School Director. He is a very successful farmer and owns three hundred and fifty acres of land, including the old Smith homestead. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the Wednesday, 22 December 1920, Stark County News. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Funeral services for the late Heman Smith were held from the home in Knox county, Thursday afternoon, conducted by the Reverend C. H. Hilton, pastor of the Baptist church at Galva. Interment was made in the Galva cemetery. Mr. Smith was born in Cortland county, New York in 1833, and came west with his parents in 1843, making their home in Lynn township. Mr. Smith entered Beloit college after leaving the country schools and enlisted in Company C, regular Illinois Volunteers, soon after leaving college and served his country more than three years, participating in fifteen important battles. During the last year of his service he was confined in a hospital for almost a year. He was discharged from service in 1865 and later married Miss Lorenda Badger [actually she is his mother; he married Harriet Thompson on 27 May 1865] of Lynn township, and their home was established in the old Smith homestead in Knox county, where his last years were spent. He is survived by seven children, three sons and four daughters, as follows: Miss Letha, who for several years has been resident nurse in the Proctor Home in Peoria; Abbie, of Toppinish, Washington; Bertha, of Kansas City; and Addie, who up until a few months ago has been the homemaker for the father in his declining years; Lamont, of Cheney, Washington; and Fred and Urban, of Lynn township. He leaves also on brother, Erastus Smith, of Kansas City. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] Smith, Ira A., farmer, was born in New York in 1822; he is the son of Silas and Maranda Smith, the former of Connecticut, the later of New York; his early life was passed on the farm, and he chose that for his life pursuit. He came from New York to Illinois in 1850; married Sarah Rose in 1842, by whom he had 11 children --8 living. He has been a member of the church since 1842, and a Class-leader for a number of years. P.O., Elba Center. 1886 Portrait & biographical Album of Knox County, IL Biographical Publishing
Co, Chicago 1886 William A. Smith. As a representative citizen of the agricultural class, and
a gentleman of sterling worth and integrity, we take pleasure in giving the
following brief mention of the facts regarding the life of William A. Smith. He
is at present residing on his fine farm on section 14, where he is following the
vocation of farming.
From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 897. [Contributed by Bobbie (Barb).] William H. SMITH; Farmer and stock raiser; Elba Township, where he was born September 16, 1847; educated in the common schools. His father, Seth Smith, was born in North Carolina in 1811, came to Yates City in 1835, and died in Adams County, Iowa, July 25, 1887; his mother, Mary (George) Smith, was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, and died September 16, 1891. His paternal grandfather, William Smith, was born in Ireland, and his grandmother, Sarah (Phillips) Smith, was born in New Jersey. His maternal grandparents were born in Tennessee. William H. Smith was married at Knoxville, January 31, 1872, to Anna Eliza Carothers [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William H. Smith marrying a Ann E. Carothers in Knox County on January 31, 1872], who was born in Elba Township, July 2, 1854, daughter of John and Eliza (Oudirkirk) Carothers, who came from Schenectady, New York; and both are deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have six children: Lillie E., born December 3, 1872; Hattie E., born January 12, 1875; Maud M., born June 10, 1877; Edith G., born January 14, 1880; Fred L., born October 23, 1884; and Hazel M., born April 21, 1892. Mr. Smith has a farm of 300 acres on Sections 5 and 9. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., Lodge No. 73, Yates City. In politics he is republican, and has held office of Justice of the Peace, Constable, and School Director. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company.
His parents were natives of Germany and were married in Wertenberg. They came to America in 1852, settling in Milwaukee, where they remained for sixteen years. They then removed, in 1869, to Aurora, Illinois, where the father died. The father's occupation was that of a live stock and grain dealer. William H. received his early instruction in the excellent public schools where he lived. His first school days were spent in Aurora, Illinois. Afterwards he took a course of study at the North Western College at Naperville. Thus equipped, he was well fitted to enter upon the active duties of life. In February 1880, he came to Galesburg to act in the capacity of Assistant Cashier in the Covenant Mutual. In December 1882, he resigned that position to take charge of the correspondence of the Parlin and Orendorff Company, Canton, Illinois. He did not remain long in this position, but returned to the Covenant Mutual in August 1883. In 1889, he was elected Assistant Secretary, and in 1890, Secretary, which post he held until March, 1897, when he was elected President of Covenant Mutual, which position he now holds. Mr. Smollinger is a man highly respected by all who know him. Kind in disposition, affable in manners, learned in his profession, he has won the confidence of every one with whom he is associated. Free from all vanity and vaingloriousness, possessed of urbanity and suavity, he addresses himself favorably to every one. He is modest, unassuming, and never, in an obnoxious way, pushes himself to the front. After the waters are stirred, he finds his opportunity, and improves it with a sound judgment and keep discretion. Mr. Smollinger has been connected with various societies. He was initiated into Veritas Lodge 478, Galesburg, October, 21, 1880; into the Colfax Encampment 28, in 1882; has filled at the offices in local lodges; represented the Lodge and Encampment, of which he was a member, in the State Grand Lodge and State Grand Encampment; was elected Grand Junior Warden of Grand Encampment of Illinois, November, 1891; Grand Senior Warden November, 1892; Grand High Priest in 1893; Grand Patriarch of the State of Illinois, November 20, 1894; and Grand Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, November 19, 1895. He was also an active member of the Patriarch's Millepost (Military Order of I. O. O. F.), and served for some time in the National body of that branch of the order as Adjutant General, Third Army Corps. Mr. Smollinger has never been abroad, but he has gathered much information and broadened himself by his travels at home. He has visited every state in the Union, and has also made extensive trips into Mexico and Canada. He belongs to no church organization. His political creed is republican. He firmly believes in republican principles, and never has had a desire to affiliate with any other party. Mr. Smollinger was never married. From the Wednesday, December 2, 1914, Stark County News. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] I. A. Spangler. Word was received at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Collinson, of Knox county, of the death of Mrs. Collinson's father, I. A. Spangler, which occurred at the home of his son John in Oakland, California, November 16th. Mr. Spangler was 63 years and four months of age at the time of his death. He died of pneumonia after an illness of only ten days. He is well known in this vicinity, especially by the country folks at Walnut Creek where he ran a blacksmith shop for seventeen years. From there Mr. and Mrs., Spangler moved to Peoria, where they resided for fourteen years, afterward going to California. Mr. Spangler married Miss May Smith, a niece of Austin Smith, our townsman. A little over a year ago, Mrs. Spangler's health broke down, and her daughter sent for them to come and live with her, but Mr. Spangler, who had a good position said he would come later, so now they have sent his remains to be interred in the Galva cemetery. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. His mother was Caroline Williams Myrick, who was born in Woodstock, Vermont, December 20, 1790. She was the daughter of Lieutenant Samuel Myrik, who served his country through the Revolutionary War. She was devoted to her family and friends, domestic in her home life, untiring in industry, frugal, discreet, intelligent, and her whole life of sacrifice and duty is stamped indelibly upon the memory of her children. The ancestry of the Standish family reaches back to a very early period in English history. In the thirteenth century, there were two branches of the family; one called the "Standishes of Standish" and the other called the "Standishes of Duxbury Hall". Their location was near the village of Chorley, Lancashire. The first of the name was Thurston de Standish, who was living in 1222. He had a son Ralph, who had a son Hugh. In 1306, on account of differences in religious views, one being Catholic, the other Protestant, the estate was divided; Jordan Standish becoming the proprietor of Standish, and Hugh, of Duxbury Hall. In 1677, Sir Richard Standish occupied the Duxbury estate and in 1812, it came into the possession of Sir Frank Standish. Titled nobility came into the family in the following manner: Froissart relates in his chronicles that when Richard II and Wat Tyler met, the rebel was struck from his horse by William Walworth, and then John Standish, the King's Squire, alighted, drew his sword, and thrust it through Wat Tyler's body. For this act he was knighted. This baronetcy, which was established in 1676, became extinct in 1812. The history of the Standish family in America begins with Miles Standish, the great Puritan Captain, who was descended from the Standishes of Duxbury Hall. He was born about 1584 and died at Duxbury, Massachusetts, October 3, 1656. He inherited in a pre-eminent degree the military qualities of his ancestors. He was the Moses of his time and led the Pilgrim Band into the "Promised Land" of Liberty. Without him, New England for a generation or two would have remained a wilderness and that little Plymouth colony would have become extinct. Miles Standish's first wife was Rose, a most beautiful woman. She died in about a month after landing at Plymouth. According to tradition, his second wife was Barbara, a sister to Rose. By this second marriage there were seven children. The eldest was Alexander, who built the cottage in 1666 now standing on the "Standish farm" at Duxbury. For his first wife, Alexander married Sarah, daughter of John Alden. His second wife was Desire (Sherman) Doty, by whom he had four children. Their eldest child was Thomas, who married Mary Carver. Thomas had six children, the third birth being a son whose name was Thomas, the great-grandfather of John Van Ness. This second Thomas married Martah Bisbee and had two sons, one of whom was named Hadley. Hadley married Abigail Gardner and became the father of eleven children. The third child was John Winslow, who married Caroline Williams Myrick. They had six children, the fourth birth being John Van Ness. John Van Ness Standish belongs to the sixth generation from the Pilgrim Captain. He was not born in affluence, and consequently, has been obliged to depend upon his own exertions in the great contest of life. He received the rudiments of his education in the common schools of his native town. From these, he passed into private schools, in which he spent several terms. He next became a student, for several years, in an academy in Lebanon, New Hampshire, which would vie in thoroughness and scholarship with many of the colleges of today. Having finished the entire course of mathematics save the Calculus, and being thoroughly prepared, he matriculated in Norwich University in 1844, and graduated as salutatorian of his class July 7, 1847. While in college, he was regarded as a most excellent scholar, and in mathematics, the leader of his class. To meet his expenses during these years of study, he taught school winters, commencing at the age of sixteen, and worked on the farm summers. He made study a business, squandered no time, and had but little leisure for recreation or games. After leaving college, he taught a select school at Perkinsville, Vermont, and when this was closed, he became principal of a graded school in the same village. Not satisfied with the prospects in his native state, he resolved to seek his fortunes in the West. In the Fall of 1850, he went to Western New York and taught in the graded schools of Farmington, Bergen, Macedon, and Victor, until he was called to the Professorship of Mathematics and Astronomy in Lombard University. Rev. P. R. Kendall, a classmate, was its president and the letter of invitation sent by him to Dr. Standish contained the following: "You and I are to build a college. I want you to take charge which I collect money." And it may be said that Lombard University owes its existence to the labors of these two men. On October 22, 1854, Dr. Standish arrived in Galesburg, and on the following day, he entered upon his duties as Acting President and Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. He was Acting President for three years, and the institution prospered greatly under his management. From 1854 to 1892, a period of thirty-eight years, he held his professorship. Nor was he confined to his own department. For seven or eight years, he taught the natural sciences, and if any new branch of study was introduced, Dr. Standish was elected as the teacher. A professor said to him, "You have taught the whole college curriculum." Dr. Standish replied, "Not quite." Counting Geometry, Calculus, Logic, Cicero, Virgil, and Livy, as distinct studies, he has taught over seventy &endash; more perhaps than any other two professors in Galesburg. In 1892, he was elected President of Lombard University, resigning in June 1895. For the first seven months, he canvassed for funds, and raised by subscription forty-one thousand five hundred dollars &endash; a larger amount than was ever raised in so short a time by any other man working in the interest of the University. The catalogues will show that during his administration, the patronage gradually increased. Dr. Standish performed signal service for the college outside of his professorship. He planned the cabinet cases and, with the aid of Mrs. Standish, raised the money to pay for them. He raised the money and purchased the Cabinet of Corals. He obtained the Cowan collection. He secured the means to build the bookcases. He arranged and planned the shrubbery on the college campus. As another has said, "There is scarcely a place but that you see his hand." As a teacher, Dr. Standish had but few equals. He was original in his illustrations and methods, and cared little for the opinions of men as written in books. He was a law unto himself, and his teaching was neither by book nor by rote. He was clear, incisive, and never allowed the dullest student to pass from him without a full comprehension of the subject. Many of his pupils used to say, " I can carry away more of his instruction than that of any other teacher". Dr. Anson L. Clark, a graduate of Lombard University in 1858, a Professor and President of Bennett Medical College in Chicago for more than a quarter of a century, and a member of the State Board of Health for as long a period, pays him the following tribute: "As a teacher, Professor Standish had few equals, no superiors. With the subject so completely in hand himself, it was always a wonder, how for the benefit of some dull pupil he could go over a mathematical demonstration again, again, and again without the slightest appearance of impatience. And to those observing this conflict between light and darkness, it was especially pleasing to note the kindly light of interest and satisfaction which would pass over his countenance when at last he saw that he had won, and that the problem was comprehended. He made such victories a life-work and acknowledged no defeat". Rev. John R. Carpenter, whose pastorate is at Rockland, Ohio, and who graduated at the University in 1887, says: "Dr. Standish was an ideal instructor. He was a man of leading characteristics, original, positive in his convictions, clear-sighted, and always worked with a definite and good object before him. He was a growing teacher, always bringing forth some new view of the truth. Those who have been students of Dr. Standish are always grateful for the privilege of sitting at the feet of one of the best instructors that this country every produced. He would carry his pupils up to the heights and give them a view of the promised land just beyond. But when once on the heights, no true student even came down to his old position". D.L. Braucher, a civil engineer and surveyor, and one of the best mathematicians ever connected with the University, gives his impressions in the following words: "Professor Standish was always thoughtful, dignified in his bearing, and anxious to make his pupils see the truth as viewed from foundation principles. He seemed more like a sympathetic companion than teacher, while we were delving for the hidden truths of higher mathematics. The more knotty the problem, the more persistent the labor, till victory perched on our banner, as she always did. Time has tinted those memories as delicately as the sunshine has painted the rainbow". As a scholar, Dr. Standish stands preeminent. He is really an all-round man. Not only is he well versed in the lore of books and the teachings of the schools, but he has been a great student in the broad fields of the world. He is well posted in almost every department of science, literature, and art. In criticism, he has few equals. He excels in rhetoric and in grammatical construction in the use of words, and has been called by some scholars a dictionary man. At the Ministers' Institutes, held in Chicago and other places, he was selected above all others as the critic for the entire sessions. In his labors and zeal for the advancement and improvement of the common schools, he has hardly been excelled by any one. He has held teacher's institutes, and lectured all over the State; from Jackson and Macoupin counties on the south to Lake and Jo Daviess counties on the north. He was chairman of the first meeting to establish graded schools in Galesburg, and attended other meetings held in their interest. From 1854 to 1880, he was a constant attendant at the Knox County Institute of Teachers, and was a leading member of the State Teacher's Association. The latter body, in 1859, elected him President. Dr. Standish has been a great traveler. In company with Mrs. Standish, he has visited the Old World three times; in 1879, 1882-2, and in 1891-2. With the exception of Denmark and Portugal, he has visited every country of Europe, Egypt and the Holy Land, and Asia Minor, went to the North Cape within nineteen degrees of the North Pole, saw the midnight sun seven nights, and took a trip of a hundred miles out on the Sahara Desert. Both Dr. and Mrs. Standish have gone abroad for study, as well as pleasure. In his own country, he has visited every State, in the Union excepting the Carolinas. Both Dr. and Mrs. Standish are lovers of art. They have visited every large picture gallery in the world, and many small ones. They are conversant with the museums of Europe and have studied cathedral and park wherever they have traveled. Egypt and Assyria, Greece and Rome, have been laid under contribution, and their treasures have been spread out before them. As a public-spirited man, Dr. Standish holds a conspicuous place among his fellow citizens. He has done much to improve the city, and has given more hours of labor without compensation than any other man in it. For more than thirty years, he has made his own grounds the most attractive in the city. Another said to him, "Your handiwork is seen all over Galesburg." He has an aesthetic nature, and is fond of mountain scenery and beauty of landscape. He is a horticulturist, and for nearly ten years was president of Knox County Agricultural Society. He was once elected a member of the Board of Education, and for many years, has been a director in the Second National Bank. As a man, Dr. Standish is kind, benevolent, and charitable, and will make sacrifices for the public good. He is open hearted, and believes in honesty of purpose and intention. He has no use for double-minded men. In religion, he is an Universalist. In politics, he is a republican. Dr. Standish was married March 24, 1859, to Harriet Augusta Kendall [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John V. N. Standish marrying a A. Kendall in Knox County on January 7, 1859], daughter of Frances and Rebecca (Stowe) Kendall. She was a teacher of painting, French and Italian in Lombard University for twelve years. From the 1883 William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas - Bourbon County, published by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] JAMES M. STANLEY, Register of Deeds for Bourbon County, came to Kansas, and located in Marmaton Township, where he lived until elected Register of Deeds in the fall of 1879. He was engaged in farming prior to his election, and was Township Trustee three years. Mr. Stanley is a native of Delaware County, South Wooster Township, N. Y.; born October 14, 1839. He removed to Illinois with his parents in 1845, to Knox County, Ill., which was his home until he came to Kansas. He enlisted in Company K, Ninth Illinois Cavalry, September 19, 1861, and served until October 20, 1865, participating in all the engagements of his command, and returning to Illinois at the close of his service. He is a member of the G. A. R. Mr. Stanley was married in Linn Township, Knox County, Ill., February 22, 1866, to Tacie S. Morgan [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a James M. Stanley marrying a Tacy S. Morgan in Knox County on February 22, 1866], a native of Indiana. They have three children - John S., Blanche A. and Anna M. From the 1883 William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas - Bourbon County, published by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL. [Contributed by Bob Miller.] JOHN W. STANLEY, farmer, Section 21, is a native of New York; he was raised on a farm, and the first move he made was to Knox County, Ill., and while there he married Miss Caldwell [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a John W. Stanley marrying a Mary J. Cadwell in Knox County on April 27, 1857]. In 1867 he came to Kansas, buying eighty acres, giving $12.50 an acre. The first season he raised 43 bushels of wheat to the acre, and the next season a crop of corn that netted him $3,700, and the year of 1882 his corn will average 50 bushels to the acre. He is a farmer purely, not raising stock, illustrating the fact that a grain farm is a paying enterprise in Kansas. He has a family of four boys and four girls, all industrious. His son William, a lad of twelve, plowed 100 acres of land this last year. Mr. Stanley has not been in public office, and in politics he is a Republican. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. In 1859, his mother moved with her family of three children to Randolph County in southern Illinois. In 1869, she moved to Monmouth, Illinois, in order to secure the educational advantages presented there for her children. Young Steele's elementary training was obtained at the various public schools where he lived. His ambition was to make the most of his opportunities. Even at eight years of age, he performed the ordinary work of a man on the farm. Not satisfied with merely a common school education, he entered Monmouth College and graduated in the classical course with high honors. After graduation in 1876, his first employment was teaching. He took charge of the Yates City schools in this county, remaining there for seven years, when he was elected County Superintendent. The latter office he resigned to accept the superintendency of the Galesburg City Schools, which position he has held with distinguished credit since August, 1885. At Yates City, he laid the foundation for the school library, which has been flourishing for over twenty years and has at present over two thousand volumes. As County Superintendent, he wrote the first "Outlines for Ungraded Schools", which was published by the Board of Supervisors. As City Superintendent, he has introduced "Manual Training" and "Elective Studies" for the High School. As an educator, Professor Steele is a popular man. He is popular among his teachers and among the citizens. In the educational fraternity throughout the State, he is well and favorably known. Before the State Teachers' Association, he has frequently been invited to read papers on educational subjects which have reflected great credit upon his ability. In every moral enterprise, he is a worker. He never has affiliated with any society, secret or otherwise, but is a firm adherent of the Presbyterian Church. He has been the secretary of its Board of Trustees for the past six years. In his political sympathies, Professor Steele is a republican. On that ticket, he was elected County Superintendent. He was married October 20, 1887, to Helen Carter Benedict, who died May 3, 1893. She had been a teacher in the city schools for three years. To them were born two daughters: Gertrude Helen, born July 27, 1889, and Helen Benedict, born February 11, 1893. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 916. [Contributed by Pat Thomas.] Frederick Stegall, son of Frederick and Sarah Stegall, was born in Pike County, Ohio, September 5, 1827. His father, who had been a soldier in the War of 1812, moved to Illinois and settled in Knox County in the Fall of 1836, when young Frederick was a boy of nine. There were seven children in the family of whom one, Mrs. Susannah Warren, now survives. The Stegalls first settled near Cherry Grove, but afterwards removed to Abingdon. Mr. Stegall, Senior, later went to Henderson, where he died, September, 1869, at the age of eighty-one. His wife's death occurred some years later, at the age of eighty-seven. Mr. Frederick Stegall was married to Lovina Ellen Marks, July 4, 1850, at Knoxville, Illinois [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Frederick Stegall marrying a Lavina E. Marks in Knox County on July 4, 1850]. She was born in Kentucky, and came with her father, Benjamin Marks, to Knox County, in 1836. She was a noble type of frontier womanhood, and proved herself a worthy helpmeet in the struggles of those early days. Mrs. Stegall's industry was displayed in the care of poultry and bees. She has always been a kind neighbor and a friend to the poor. After his marriage, Mr. Stegall bought a farm on Section 24, in Cedar Township, where he lived for many years. He then removed to Orange Township, but after four years returned to Cedar and bought land, now the property of Elery Stegall, on Section 23; he also bought land on Section 31, now the property of Mrs. Sarah Alice Hughey, where he died October 3, 1896, at the age of sixty-nine. In politics, Mr. Stegall was a democrat. He was a farmer all his life; and by industry and economy accumulated considerable property. At the time of his death he owned twelve hundred acres of land, which was divided equally among the children who survived. These were: Milton, Elery, Mrs. Sarah Alice Hughey, and Mrs. Emma J. Fulmer. The second son, Solomon , was then deceased. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. Young Loren passed his childhood and his youth at home on his father's farm. He was helper in the fields, when not attending school. His early educational advantages were not the best, but he was possessed of a spirit and disposition for improving all his opportunities. At the common schools in Essex, Vermont, to which town his parents removed when he was three years old, he acquired his early education. At the age of fourteen, he attended the Essex Academy, and subsequently, at the age of eighteen, took a course in Bryant and Stratton's Business College in Burlington, Vermont. After leaving home at the age of seventeen, he spent the first eight months in driving a team for a manufacturing establishment. Afterwards, he was a brakeman on the Central Vermont Railroad, and while so employed, met with an accident, which incapacitated him for work. During the period of convalescence, he attended the Business College at Burlington and after completing the course, was employed as a teacher in the same institution for a year and a half. Not satisfied with the business opportunities presented to young men in Vermont, he left on November 13, 1865, for the West. He came directly to Cleveland, Ohio, and remained there and in Bedford, Ohio, until the following Spring, when he came to Galesburg, Illinois, arriving on May 25, 1866. He was first employed in the office of George W. Brown, where he remained for one year. He then went into the office of B. Lombard, Jr., remaining for two years. He next returned to the office of George W. Brown, remaining there for the long period of seventeen years, when he tendered his resignation as Secretary, July 1, 1886. During the next ten years, he devoted his time to his personal affairs and to buying and selling real estate. On June 1, 1896, he assumed the duties as Cashier of the First National Bank of Galesburg, which position he now holds. Mr. Stevens has won for himself a good degree of popularity and is highly esteemed by his fellow-citizens. He was elected Mayor of Galesburg on the Citizens' ticket and held the office for two years. He is also a member of the City Park Commission and still holds that position. Mr. Stevens is a public-spirited man, and is ever ready to aid any enterprise that will be of benefit to the city. He has taken great interest in the establishment and management of the Galesburg Hospital. He was elected one of the first trustees and still holds that position. He is also Secretary, Treasurer, and Director of the Galesburg Electric Motor and Power Company; was a charter member of the Galesburg Club; was one term a director of the same, and has always retained his membership. Mr. Stevens has traveled quite extensively in his native land, having visited thirty-six States and territories and taken trips into Canada and Mexico. By these travels, he has become well acquainted with the industries of his own country and has enlarged materially the sphere of his knowledge. Moreover, in his charitable gifts, he has been liberal, as the Hospital, Y.M.C.A, Dorcas Society, and Universalist Church will testify. Mr. Stevens is well informed and industrious. His manners are frank and simple, and his actions are courteous towards every one. His record is that of a faithful, conscientious, and patriotic citizen. In his religious views, he is liberal; not bound by creed or ritual. He attends the Universalist Church, but is not a member. In politics, he is a republican. He is not a politician, but an earnest believer in the principles of that party. He was married May 25, 1870 to Lizzie C. Simmons, a native of New York State [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Loren Stevens marrying a Lizzie C. Simmons in Knox County on May 25, 1870]. To them was born, December 11, 1876, one daughter, Ethel; died August 30, 1877. From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 906. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] WILLIAM C. STEVENSON; Farmer; Haw Creek Township; born in Franklin County, Ohio, February 26, 1836; educated in Knox County. His father, Edward Stevenson, was born in Maryland; his mother, Mary (Keys), was born in Delaware. Mary Keys' father's name was James. Edward Stevenson's parents, Zachariah and Sarah, were born in Maryland, as was also Zachariah's father, John, who was of English descent. William C. Stevenson was married to Charlotte A. Ouderkirk [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William C. Stevenson marrying a Charlotte A. Ouderkirk in Knox County on March 3, 1859], the daughter of Jacob and Nancy (Waffle) Ouderkirk, at her home in Haw Creek Township, February 27, 1859. They have two children, Mrs. Elsie Reynolds and Ethmer V. Stevenson. Mr. Stevenson came to Knox County in 1841, with his parents. They spent three years in Jones County, Iowa, but later returned to Knox County. He has been a successful farmer, and has three hundred and thirty-five acres of land in Maquon, Haw Creek, and Orange Townships. In 1865, he moved to his own farm in Maquon Township and lived there till 1893, when he settled on the old Jacob Ouderkirk place, in Haw Creek Township. In politics, Mr. Stevenson is a populist, and holds the position of School Trustee.
From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company. Miss Strong, when only six years of age, met with an accident, which disabled her. Consequently she was never able to attend school. She had, however, excellent teachers at home and learned much from the open book of nature. Every bud and flower, bird and insect, and sparkling dewdrop had an attraction for her. She saw in them God's handiwork. Though an invalid, her childhood was a very happy one. Her waking hours were spent in reading the instructive books furnished her by loving friends. Much time was spent with pets; and the raising and care of chickens was a pleasant pastime. She engaged, too, in rifle practice and became an expert marksman. Her skill was never exercised in taking life; for her humane feelings were too sensitive to kill the innocent beings that God has made. Her love for teaching was an inborn passion, and when only a child, she gathered children about her to instruct. At the age of twelve, she taught Bible stories to the children of the neighborhood, on Sabbath afternoons. The numbers increased until her home was not large enough to accommodate them, and finally this school was made a part of the City Mission School. Her first real teaching, however, began when she was fourteen. It was a private school, which she taught for two years. On account of ill health, this was discontinued. She still pursued her studies, and in order to obtain the necessary books, she engaged in embroidering and similar work, as this could be done in a reclining position. Soon, however, she was sent to the National Surgical Institute at Indianapolis, for surgical treatment, and while there, she took a six years' course in Miss Alice Chapin's Training School for Kindergartners, spending part of the time in her school and part of the time teaching at home. Miss Strong's first kindergarten was begun at her mother's dining room, in the Spring of 1879. In the Fall of that year, a pony and basket Phaeton was secured to bring the children from different parts of the town. This conveyance was nicknamed the "Kindergarten Clothes Basket". In the Fall of 1880, Miss Strong's mother moved to Creston, Iowa, making it necessary to find other quarters for the school. Rooms were obtained over O. T. Johnson's store; but Main Street was found to be an undesirable place for little children. Then apartments were obtained over the old fire-engine house on Prairie Street, which proved to be less desirable. All this time the kindergarten was making friends, and among whom was the Rev. Dr. Thain, pastor of the "Old First Church". It was he that secured for the school, the First Church Chapel, where it remained for six years. From this time, may be dated the kindergarten's real success and recognition as a school. In 1885, Miss Strong first began the training of public school teachers, who wished to use kindergarten methods in their work. Having never attended the public schools, she found that her lack of knowledge concerning grade work would be a barrier to her success. So she closed her school at the end of the Winter's term, in order to study the common school system. She took an agency to Iowa, canvassing half a day and visiting school the other half, until she became thoroughly acquainted with common school methods. She says: "The trip proved to be financially so successful that my friends urged me to give up teaching and accept a permanent position offered me by the firm for which I worked. I had no such thought, however, and September found me again in the schoolroom, with my little ones and my first Normal School". In order that this school should be a success, permanent quarters must be obtained. The old Christian Church property was secured, and the church and the school occupied it in harmony for six years; Miss Strong residing in the same building. Miss Strong is a living example of one who not only has pursued, but has acquired knowledge under difficulties. With poor health and for many years prostrate upon a couch of pain and extreme suffering, she has risen to a height that the physically strong might envy. In this city she has done a noble work for the cause of education, and in the hearts of the people, she is not without honor. In her work, she is thorough, and never attempts to give instruction on subjects in which she is not well versed. She is gentle and kind, and her moral influence over children and others is great and of a highly exalted kind. In the cause of temperance, she has labored, and in 1894, she was elected a member of the Board of Education on the Woman's Christian Temperance Union ticket, which was endorsed by the general public. She was re-elected in 1897, with no opposition, although there were four tickets in the field. In religion, she is an earnest Christian, and for many years was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but later united with the Central Congregational Church. Her travels have been somewhat limited and connected mostly with her work as a speaker on educational subjects. For education, for morality, for temperance, she has been a faithful worker, and her reward is found in the universally expressed sentiment of all; "Well done; good and faithful servant". From the Wednesday, September 5, 1894, Knox County Republican. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] LOST HIS LIFE Mr. James Sumner of Orange township, and for many years a resident of the county, lost his life last Saturday morning, at the fairgrounds crossing. He was a member of the Knox County Agricultural Board, and had been at the grounds attending to some of the work of the fair, and while crossing the track was struck by the morning passenger train and instantly killed, his neck being broken and his skull crushed. A jury was empanelled by Coroner Aldrich. After viewing the remains, an adjournment was had until Monday morning, when the following verdict was rendered:
James H. Sumner was born in Highland County, Ohio, Nov. 28th, 1814, Emigrated to Illinois in the fall of 1837, and settled in Canton, Fulton County. In the spring of 1838 he moved to Knox County, near where Gilson now is, and has ever since resided in that vicinity, until death. May 12th, 1847 he was united in marriage to Rachel Epperson [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a James H. Sumner marrying a Rachel Epperson in Knox County on May 12 1847], and departed this life Sept. 1st, 1894, aged 79years, 9 months, and 3 days, and leaves to mourn his sudden and cruel death, one brother, Thomas W. Sumner, two sisters, Mrs. Peter Godfrey and Mrs. Richard Maxey, two sons, Thomas and Carry Sumner, and one daughter, Mrs. Lewis McCoy, besides hosts of friends and neighbors to mourn his death, as he was a friend to the needy, a helper to those who were in want, a faithful, loving husband, a kind father, and respected by all who knew him. The funeral was held at his late residence, conducted by Rev. N. G. Clark, and attended by a large concourse of people, and his body laid to rest beside his wife [in Walter Cemetery] near Maquon. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, page 580. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] T. W. Sumner. "One of the oldest residents of Knox County and a general farmer and stock-grower, whose homestead is situated on section 23, of Orange Township, is found in the subject of this notice. He settled in this section of the country at an early day and has proved himself a highly esteemed and reliable citizen. He has held many offices of his county, has been Supervisor six terms and Township Clerk one term, also Commissioner, and at the present time is School Treasurer. Mr. Sumner was born in Highland County, Ohio, Feb 22, 1820. He is the son of Bowater and Lettice (Walter) Sumner and the third child in a family of four children, all of whom are living. His father was a native of North Carolina, and of the Quaker faith, and his mother of Virginia; both are now deceased. In the fall of 1837 they removed from Ohio to Canton, Fulton Co., Ill., where they passed the winter, and in the spring of 1838 removed to Knox County; here both father and mother departed this life, while Mr. Sumner of this writing has remained here up to the present time, pursuing his chosen vocation. He is interested in the breeding and raising of English thorough-bred race-horses, of which he has at this writing 20 head. He is the owner of three horses who carried off the blue ribbon at the Knox County Fair in 1885. Several others have taken premiums at fairs in adjacent counties, and Mr. Sumner may well feel that no one in the county is his superior in this respect. The subject of our sketch was married to Sarah Ashby, Feb. 22, 1849 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Thomas W. Sumner marrying a Sarah C. Ashby in Knox County on February 22, 1849], who is the daughter of David and Ruthanna (Gaddis) Ashby, who were old settlers in this county, where they both died. She was born Dec. 2, 1829, in Clinton County, Ohio, and is the mother of ten children, the names and dates of whose births are as follows: James, born Nov 17, 1849; Ashby, Sept 27, 1852, died Nov 11, 1857, at the early age of five years; Wilshire, Jan 17, 1855, died Nov 22, 1857; Lettice, Jan 12, 1858, is the wife of Loren Brown, and resides in Seward County, Neb.; Anna, Apr 5, 1860; Bowater, Apr 9, 1864, and deceased Oct 3, 1867; Nancy, March 28, 1867; Robert, June 21, 1870; David, Nov 14, 1872, and one who died in infancy, Aug 27, 1862.
From the 1886 Clarke County, Iowa, Historical and Biographical Record by Lewis Publishing. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] J. O. SWAN, of the firm of J. O. Swan and Co., breeders of fine stock and also proprietor of the Farmers� Home Hotel and the livery and sale stable at Woodburn, Iowa, is a native of Rensselaer County, New York, born March 21, 1839, a son of Joseph M. and Polly (Kittle) Swan, also natives of New York. His father died in 1852, and his mother in 1883, the latter being at the advanced age of eighty-five years. Their family consisted of two children, our subject and a daughter - Mary S., now Mrs. Hunter of Yates City, Illinois. J. O. Swan remained at home until the death of his father and then went to live with an uncle, a noted horseman, and in his eighteenth year becoming familiar with the care of horses. He followed this about two years, and then for two years had charge of the stock farm of Burren Brothers. December 25, 1860, he married Emily Graham [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Joseph A. Swan marrying a Emily Grim in Knox County on December 25, 1860], a daughter of one of the first settlers of Knox County, Illinois, where Mr. Swan had moved January 1, 1857. April 10, 1862, he emigrated to Oregon, accompanied by his wife and two children, making the journey with an ox team being five months on the way, arriving in Butteville, Oregon, September 15, 1862. The first winter he drove a team, and in the spring went into the Boise Mines, in Idaho, where he worked during the summers, spending the winters in Oregon, until the fall of 1865; when he started back to Illinois, where, between Scott�s Bluff and Chimney Rock they were attacked by a body of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians, and lost nearly all their stock. Mrs. Swan stood guard all night. She took a severe cold as did also their child, the latter dying, and was buried on Plum Creek. Mr. Swan lost all he had save a pony and a mule and was obliged to stop at Ft. Kearney and go to work. While there he had charge of the teams of McLean & Russell, Government freight contractors. In the spring they returned to Yates City, Knox County, Illinois. In February, 1875, he moved to Clarke County, Iowa, and settled on a farm he had bought the year before on section 14, Jackson Township, where he lived until the spring of 1882, when he moved to a farm he now owns on section 26. This farm contains 120 acres of land, the greater part of which is used for pasture, Mr. Swan devoting his attention to stock-raising, making a specialty of fine grades of both horses, cattle and hogs. In the spring of 1886 he moved his family to Woodburn and opened the hotel, building a large stable where he keeps both for sale and hire, a number of fine carriage horses. His long experience makes him a thoroughly reliable judge of horses, and his stock comprises none but the very best animals. February 16,1872, Mr. Swan joined the Masonic fraternity at Maquon, Illinois, Lodge No. 530, from which he was demitted September 6, 1878 and united with Unity Lodge, No. 212, at Woodburn. He has filled most of the chairs in the blue lodge and has served as master two years. I n 1880 he became a member of Chapter No. 63, at Osceola. Until 1876 he affiliated with the Democratic party, but in that year became allied to the Greenback party. He was a delegate to the first Iowa State Greenback convention, and has since then been a member of the State central committee the most of the time. Mr. and Mrs. Swan are the parents of four children. One, Louchila, born November 9, 1863, died on the plains. Of the living, Orson, born December 9, 1861, was married March 5, 1885, to Miss Lizzie Young, daughter of William Young, a farmer of Knox County, Illinois; Stephen S. was born May 20, 1867, and Ralph was born December 18, 1879. Mr. Swan�s paternal great-grandfather was a native of Rhode Island, and moved with his family to New York before the war of the Revolution. Three of his sons were soldiers in that struggle for independence. One, the grandfather of our subject, was a drummer, one was a Captain and one a Lieutenant. The latter, Pierce Swan, was wounded at Yorktown, where Cornwallis surrendered his forces to Washington, thus ending the war. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] SWANSON, SWAN JOHNSON, NELLY KNOX 04/03/1855 002/0049 S. W. SWANSON, son of Peter and Betsey Swanson; was born in Christianstad, Sweden, June 14, 1833. Removed to Knox co. in 1852; married Nellie Troedson April 3, 1855 [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a Swan Swanson marrying a Nelly Johnson in Knox County on April 3, 1855]; parents of seven children; united with the Lutheran church in 1847; is Trustee; engaged in farming. Republican. P.O., Galesburg. From the 1878 History of Knox County, Illinois published by Charles C. Chapman. [Contributed by Joan Achille.] N. P. SWANSON, resides at Galesburg. From the 1886 Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago. [Text contributed by Bob Miller; portrait contributed by Todd Walter.]
From the 1899 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, Munsell Publishing Company, page 952. [Contributed by Todd Walter.] WILLIAM SWIGART; Farmer and stockman; Maquon; born in Pickaway County, Ohio, August 15, 1822. He is of German descent. His father, Daniel Swigart, was a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; his mother, Elizabeth (Conrad) Swigart, was born in Greenbrier County, Virginia. Mr. Swigart came from Marion County, Ohio, to Knox County, in November, 1852. For a time he sent occasional shipments of grain to Chicago, but in 1862, he engaged permanently in the grain trade. For many years he conducted a lumber yard, which he now rents to other parties. In 1878, he opened a general grocery store in partnership with J. B. Boynton, which business he still conducts. In 1881, he opened the bank which bears his name. Mr. Swigart is a member of the I. O. O. F. in Maquon, and is also a Mason, holding membership in the Maquon lodge, in Eureka chapter, No. 98, of Yates City, in Knoxville Council, No. 1, and also in the Peoria Consistory of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites. He owns three farms in Haw Creek Township and fourteen others scattered in various townships and counties. In all he possesses two thousand six hundred acres of improved land. October 21, 1847, Mr. Swigart was married to Eliza J. McHenry, in Wyandotte County, Ohio; she died in 1861, leaving four children: John; Jane, now the wife of O. D. Cooke, of Hinsdale, Illinois; Daniel, now living in Chicago; and Alonzo, deceased. His second wife was Susan Stewart, who was born in Indiana, and died in 1875. She was the mother of six children, of whom the survivors are: Elizabeth, wife of Charles Hartsook, of Haw Creek; Sarah, wife of F. C. Bearmore, Maquon; and Lincoln, of Knoxville. Mr. Swigart was married May 16, 1876, to his present wife, Elizabeth Bull [the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a William Swigart marrying a Elizabeth A. Butt in Knox County on May 16, 1876], who is a native of Fairfield County, Ohio. Mr. Swigart has held numerous local offices and has been Township Treasurer since 1863. He supports the worship of the Methodist Episcopal and the United Brethren denominations. In politics, he is a republican. |